a lil update

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hey there. so the last time i update was the 18th of september which was 1 month and 23 days ago. and holy shit a lot has happened in that 1 month and 23 days. lets start off. the last time i updated was the day before i saw ruel live for the second time and met him finally after a whole year. that was the most magical moment of my life, meeting him. i can still imagine what his hug felt like. i've put my m&g photo up there^^^. since then ruel turned 17, hit a million, and last tuesday i decided last minute to buy a ticket to shawn mendes brisbane which ruel opened for. i had so so so so much fun and that was actually my 3rd time seeing ruel live which i think is insane. anyway so i'm going to try and update this again but i really need some ideas so pls pls pls comment below anything you'd like to see in this story.

thank u

i l y

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