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Ruel - this next song is for someone really special to me, even though i don't think she feels the same, and even though she can't even hear this right now. anyway. this is my new song, painkiller.

the crowd screams. i feel so so bad. like so, so , so bad. gee this boy really knows how to put someone on a guilt trip.

but i sort of feel good inside. he has no idea that i can hear this. it makes my heart warm, the stuff he says even when i'm not there. it makes me think he might actually still feel something for me despite the shit i've put him through.

a cool jazzy tune starts playing.

ruel - You're my painkiller
When my brain gets bitter
You keep me close
You keep me close
I got front row seats
For the park side living
Feel like the one
But I'm one in a billion
Teenage cynical
But I don't really know
Oh, what's the point of living
If my heart gets broken
Driving 'long the road waiting for head on collision
Springtime funeral
I miss you but I'd rather be alone
To keep me from
Heartbreaks, headaches
The doctor says I'm dying
Know the shit days, mistakes
But I'll be fine
But I'll be fine
Cause you're my painkiller

coco - isabel oh my god

isabel - holy jesus this is deep

coco- go!

isabel - what?

coco- go out into the crowd, push through everyone! do what you need

i rush out of the vip viewing area and run. right through the crowd. i get heaps of dirty looks.

ruel seems to notice the commotion and he looks up, still singing. he looks so confused. beyond confused. then he sees me. he stops singing for  a moment. then he looks down again and continues the song.

ruel - And it takes forever
To let my brain get better
You keep me close
You keep me close
Window seats
As the plane starts leaving
Miss those streets where my knees were bleeding
Homesick veteran
Lefts my bed again
Now I'm looking for
Heartbreaks, headaches
The doctor says I'm dying
Know the shit days, mistakes
But I'll be fine
But I'll be fine
You're my painkiller
When my brain gets bitter
You keep me close
When I'm miserable
And it takes forever
To let my brain get better
You keep me close
You keep me close
You're my painkiller
When my brain gets bitter
You keep me close
When I'm miserable
And it takes forever
To let my brain get better
You keep me close
When I'm miserable
Cause you're my painkiller
When my brain gets bitter
You keep me close
You keep me close

he looks back to his band, the drummer and back up singer nod and he abruptly leaves the stage. through all this i don't even notice the tears dripping down my face. a girl in the front is pointing at me. i realise how stupid look right now. i've just pushed through a crowd of people during the middle of a song, and caused ruel to go backstage, all that whilst bawling my eyes out. and now i'm just stood here. gobbsmacked.

i push through the crowd once again. this time back to the vip lounge.

i open the door

isabel - coco. what have i done?

no response

i look up. and the person standing in front of me is not coco. it's ruel.]

isabel- ruel im so so sorry

he says nothing, but he reaches out.

ruel - come here you dork

and we hug. for what feels like forever.

well, until his manager comes in and tells him to go back out and finish his concert.


hi peeples.

i loveeeee this chapter so much.

i hope u do too.


i made a compilation of ruel swearing on my fanpage on insta

go check it outttt!!!

my insta is 


thanks kiddos 

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