let me ruel your world

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it must've been a dream, because when i woke up ruel's comment wasn't on my post anymore. neither were the two comments made by fan accounts, or hate accounts. it's hard to tell. 

part of me was disappointed. even though i'd put a nonchalant vibe on when he was talking to me on the plane, i was totally thrilled. now i feel as if i'd wasted an amazing chance. 

i shake it off. again. but i'm not going to let this ruin my time here.

my plans for the day consist of one thing. the eiffel tower. my lifelong dream. to see it in the flesh. actually, when i was a kid i imagined it as a date kind of thing. i would go there with my handsome boyfriend, and we'd eat a dinner of spaghetti bolognese at the very top, sucking on the same piece of pasta until our lips touched and we'd -

tourist - excusez-moi où est la tour eiffel?

a familiar voice says from behind me

i open my mouth to answer but realise we are standing right underneath the tower. i turn to face the person.

isabel - its literally right there

i point upwards. 

i find myself facing, yet again, ruel. 

the flutter in my stomach increases by the second.

ruel - gotcha bitch

i pull an offended face jokingly

isabel - excusez-moi? were you trying to impress me with your french?

ruel - maybe i was.

isabel- wait. how did you know it was me?

ruel- well it may have something to do with how you bounce up and down when you're excited

i look around self consiously

isabel - oh. shit ahah. was i really bouncing on the plane?

ruel - yep and you're also wearing the exact same yellow jacket

isabel - it's comfy

ruel - i know what you mean

isabel - so what are you doing here?

ruel - i think it's my turn to ask a question

isabel - you get two

ruel- okay. first. what's your name? you still haven't told me

isabel - it's isabel. isabel hunt.

ruel - okay. now secondly and most importantly, can i take you up the tower?

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