a rueler could not measure the height of the eiffel tower

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Isabel - wow for a lanky dude you are not fit

Ruel is panting as we reach the end of the climb up the tower

Ruel- hey I don't exactly have time to be working out. I'm a pretty busy lanky dude.

Isabel- oh yeah, wait how are you even here doing this with me

A mischievous look becomes plastered over his face

Ruel- well...I was just supposed to come for a walk down here then walk back up to my hotel for breakfast then a business meeting. Then I saw you and-

Isabel- and you decided to screw the business meeting

Ruel - kind of

Isabel - and your people don't know where you are?

Ruel - no

I open my mouth to answer, but then I see the view and it my jaw drops even more. after hours of waiting and climbing and years of waiting, I'm finally here. The top of the Eiffel Tower.

Isabel - holy shi-

Ruel- shishkabob

i throw him a weird look and we walk over to the railings.


Isabel - shhhh


Isabel - shut up


he gasps, trying to exaggeratedly imitate mine

Isabel - ruel, If there weren't a fence here then I would 100% be pushing you off right now

Ruel- sorry. have you taken it all in yet?

Isabel- no way. you can see so much from here

Ruel- well how about we go up to the cafe and you can look at everything from there

Isabel- well, I just i...don't have much money for this trip and I don't want to waste it

He slips a card out of his pocket and chuckles

Ruel - it's okay, I'm rich

he smirks, then takes my hand and we climb the stairs up to the cafe


The view from the cafe is even more impeccable than the outside. We are sitting at a table, enjoying some French delicacies.

Ruel - have you tried escargot before?

Isabel- no, but I'm not falling for that trick

Ruel- okay, how about we play would you rather

Isabel - I shouldn't agree to this, but okay

Ruel - would you rather eat frogs legs or snail? Pick one and eat it

Isabel - the thought of eating a grubby slimy snail makes me want to throw up, so I pick the frogs legs

He pushes a small plate towards me. I pick up a miniature leg and put it into my mouth

Isabel - mmm! Chicken!!!

He looks at me like I'm demented

Isabel - you don't get it? Have you not seen that video?

He rolls his eyes

Ruel - isabel, i'm a busy man

i laugh and continue chewing. but then, 

*CrAcK* (no, not what i mean. i mean the sound crack)

Isabel - shit! I forgot about the bones!

Now I'm pulling all sorts of hard white and brown bone out of my mouth, probably disgusting the entire restaurant.

He laughs at me.

Ruel - don't worry, I did the same thing my first time

Isabel - okay, thanks for the reassurance. I'll just ignore the fact that everyone is staring at me spitting bones out of my mouth

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