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i woke up the next morning feeling refreshed. i was going to make the most of this fucked up situation. i practically jumped out of my bed and ran downstairs, where my parents were drinking their morning coffee. 

isabel - mum, dad. i have decided, it's okay that we're moving to manly. i'm excited.

my parents looked shocked. they both looked at eachother, my dad spit his coffee out, back into the cup.

mum - did you tell her?

she whispered to my father.

dad - no, did you?

they both looked even more confused.

mum - isabel, sweetie, how did you know we were moving to manly?

now i was confused.

isabel - told me last night?

mum- oh no, that couldn't even be possible. you were passed out as soon as we got home last night. we planned to surprise you over breakfast this morning.

what the fuck.

dad - i'm glad you're happy though. i can't see why not since ruelllllllll lives in manly.

they smiled at eachother.

mum - aw, you're so cute together.

i was beyond confused. like beyond.

i bolted back upstairs to my phone. ruel's post wasn't deleted, but the caption had changed. "gotta love self timer" it now read. i looked at my recent calls. i hadn't talked on the phone with coco since we got lost at the airport in Paris as we were leaving. but i'd spoken to ruel pretty much every day since we parted.

then it clicked. last night had been a dream. scrap that, a nightmare.

this long distance relationship thing had really started to turn me crazy. i was so paranoid that ruel would one day stop talking to me and announce he had a new girlfriend.

one thing from my nightmare was correct though, i hadn't seen ruel in 4 months. both of us were finding it hard to get to eachother, so we just talked on the phone. i missed him so much.

then it hit me. i was moving to manly. holy shit this was literally a dream come true.

i needed to tell ruel. or did i?

nope. i  called coco instead. i had a master plan.

isabel - heyyy coco!

coco- isabel, haven't heard from you in a long time.

isabel - yeah, sorry about that, your brother has been taking up all my phone credit.

coco - yeahhh. so is there a reason you're calling?

isabel - yep. actually a pretty big reason. now you can't tell anyone this but... i'm coming to manly!

coco - isabel! yes! me and ruel and the others have been waiting AGES for you to visit.

isabel - but am i coming to visit?

coco - oh my god isabel. no way. no. way.

isabel - yes way. i'm moving to manly.


isabel - ok, but you have to keep this quiet. i have a plan. i'm going to surprise ruel, like turn up without him knowing. and then i'll tell him that i'm staying for a visit. then, on the day i'm 'leaving' i'm going to tell him i'm staying.

coco - ohmygosh. wow. im bad at keeping secrets but this is so exciting i can't wait to see his reaction so i'll try my hardest.

isabel - you better. see you in two weeks coco!!

i hung up, feeling full of excitement. a post from ruel popped up on my feed.



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oneruel can u tell im missing somewun rn


izzyhunt lol i have that same face on rn too :(

     oneruel izzyhunt i wonder if we're missing the same person rn

     izzyhunt oneruel maybe, does urs have one letter and end in u

     oneruel izzyhunt oh my gosh what  are the chances


i couldn't bear to write a story where #ruelzzy isn't a thing so hopefully u guys are relieved.

will update soon xx

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