reasonabruel sabotage

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i didn't believe coco.

not for a second.

but i was going to let ruel explain it to me himself, because i truly was in love with him and i thought he geniuinely feels the same way

and i wasn't going to let those bitches near him

coco came running with a box of panadol

isabel - thanks. now hold on.

coco- isabel what exactly are we doing

isabel - we are planting them in shelby's bag, then we can tell a security guard that ruels been drugged and they'll get kicked out

coco- woah, i underestimated you iz

isabel - come on!

i walked slowly to the side of the room where everyone waited for the doors to open, while coco went on the other side


just as i had suspected, everyone screamed and started running. and just as i had planned, shelby threw her bag on the ground, running for the merch.

i quickly grabbed it and dropped a pill sheet of panadol, with three popped out to make it look like she had used them on ruel, and then made a run for it into the ladies bathroom


a loud sigh came over the fans and they all scurried back to their positions in line

i came out of the bathroom, acting as natural as i could, since i had just planted drugs in someones bag.

we both made a beeline for the security guard who would be checking everyones bags as they went inside.

coco - hi, we just need to let you know that someone has drugged ruel with some panadol, he's okay, but as you're checking the bags can you please check for any trace of panadol tablets, if someone has any they are not permitted entry.

security guard- yes coco. i will be on the lookout.

isabel - thankyou!

we shuffled away, both feeling super proud of ourselves


when we got backstage again, nate was on his phone, looking totally confused.

he hung up and looked straight at me and coco. we couldn't help but smirk

nate - what did you guys do? the security guard is telling me that they just kicked three girls out of the venue

isabel - YES

coco - IT WORKED

nate - what worked?

isabel - well, those girls from last night turned up, so we took care of it.

coco - aka, put panadol in their purses and told the security guard that ruel had been drugged

nate - woah. i feel like i should be mad but i'm not. that's genius!

coco - they deserve it. they were complete bitches to isabel, and you just wait til i lay a finger on ruel-

nate - ah. that's why he was upset.

isabel - upset?

nate - yeah, about half an hour ago i went in to check on him and he was crying


coco elbows me in the stomach

coco - she means to say, she's the one that should be cheering him up. right now. come on issy.

she dragged me into the change rooms where ruel lay on the couch and shut the door behind me

ruel - isabel, i don't-

isabel - no, you don't get to talk until i do

he nods

isabel - do you have an ex girlfriend called shelby? 

ruel - izzy, please let me explain

isabel - ruel that's exactly what i'm doing.

ruel - shelby thought we were a thing. we went to school together for a bit before i got really into this music thing. i thought we were just friends but she always wanted more. then after my sydney show she messaged me asking to go on tour because she missed me. i said no and that maybe we could meet up after i was back, purely so that she would leave me alone.

isabel - why didn't you just tell me? i would've understood

ruel - because i knew she would do exactly this and then you would think i was lying to you and i just want to be with you. only you.

i smiled at him. it was hard to stay mad

ruel - wait- how did you know? are those bitches here?

the door creaked open behind me

coco - not anymore

ruel - what?

coco - izzy came up with the idea to put panadol in their bags so it looked like they had drugged you. they got kicked out

his face lit up

ruel - you did that? even after what they said to you

isabel - of course, i just wanted to let you-

my words were cut off by his lips.he kissed me harder than he'd ever before.

ruel - isabel hunt i love you so much 

isabel - rueloff van dijk i love you more


guys wtf is happening

i'm at 7.4k



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