a few ruelly long years later

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okay hi before u read this chapter it might help to go back and read the last one (carnivruel) or even the few last chapters but here is a quick recap

- issy ran into ruel in paris not knowing who he was

- they quickly fell for eachother and he asked her on tour

- they traveled thru europe together and then had to say goodbye

- months passed and they hadnt seen eachother 

- issy found out she was moving to live right near ruel

- they finally announced their love for eachother

HAHA okay hope u guys like this next bit...


10 years later, in melbourne, australia

(issy's pov)

issy - maddie come pick your dirty socks off the floor!

a small four year old came speeding into the room, giggling.

maddie - no mummy you need to wash them!

issy - i told you if you want me to wash your clothes you need to put them in the laundry

maddie - ok, sorry mum

issy - go on then!

the girl runs out of the room.

i looked at the shelf in the corner of the living room, on it a picture of me, and him, and our three children.

issy lets out a sigh.

two twin toddlers are crawling around the living room, one of them has a shiny gold thing in their hand, ready to consume.

issy - no! lily stop! no!

i ran and grabbed it out of her hand. i was at breaking point. i couldn't feel my legs, i was falling. i felt myself fall to the ground, and the tears started rolling. i felt a slight relief come over me. i wasn't numb anymore and the shock was over. i looked at the shiny gold wedding ring in my hand. the tears just wouldn't stop now.

mum came rushing into the room. she'd obviously heard my wail from her bedroom upstairs.

mum (we're gonna call her jude now okay) - isabel, oh iz.

she scooped me into her arms

jude - i know, it's not fair

issy - he was only 26. i'm only 25! we have three fucking kids! why did this need to happen now? at all?

jude - shhhh

issy - i can't do this by myself

jude - you have me, and your dad sweetie, and your in laws. it will be okay. and i've already spoken to someone about a nanny for the kids. you're in grief and we're here for you.

issy - thank you, mum

jude - no need to thank me. now go to bed, i'll look after the kids. don't worry.

my face was red and blotchy and i felt like shit. but i knew things would be okay, eventually.

i walked upstairs to bed and immediately fell asleep. weird how you can do that so easily after crying.


(judes pov )

i sent issy to bed, and started to clean the house before the nanny came over for a trial shift.

the doorbell went off

i opened the door and there stood a young girl, in her mid 20s with blonde hair

girl - hey, i'm stella. here for the nanny trial?

she was early

jude - oh! hi! of course! come in.

i could already tell she'd be good with kids


i yelled out to her

stella looked at me, confident but somehow also nervous.

jude - so i think you should know some background before you start, there was an accident a couple weeks ago and my daughter lost her husband, he was extremely young so their kids are only little. the twins don't really understand but i think maddie gets it a bit. we've told her that daddy has gone to a better place and i think she's at peace with that.

she looked shocked, but empathetic. this was the right girl for the job, i could tell.

stella - oh, i'm so sorry, i really am. 

jude - it's ok, honestly you've already been a great help by applying for this job. my daughter isabel will usually be in the house but obviously she's in a state of grief at the moment so you probably won't see her much.

stella - oh yeah i totally get that. i love spending time with kiddies so it shouldn't be a problem.

maddie comes running into the room, the two twins hobbling slowly behind her.

jude - ah! finally. girls this is stella, stella this is maddie, lily and riley.

i see stella's face just light up.

stella - hey girls!

stella holds her arms out and maddie sprints straight for them.

jude - okay, well i need to go get some groceries and you guys should get to know eachother. 


(stella's pov)

jude had left to get groceries, and i was left with the girls. i had no problem with that at all, little kids are the cutest. 

maddie - stella i'm hungryyyyyyyyyyyy


stella - ok, well let's go get something to eat. 

maddie ran past the stairwell and into the kitchen. as i was walking past the stairs i saw someone coming downstairs. i looked up, a woman in her mid 20s i presumed. it must be isabel.

i looked up, a small smile on my face.

stella - hi, i'm stella, the nanny. you must be isabel.

she lifted her face and managed a slight smile.

my jaw dropped. 

stella - oh my g-

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