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I was trying not to pass out. My head was aching so bad I almost couldn't breathe. But I couldn't fall asleep, I had to help him. Despite the massive bang that the door had made when it hit my head, and the heaving footsteps of the girls, Ruel stood facing the other way, completely unknowing what was going on.

What an idiot, I thought.

He had just seen his stalkers outside of his family gathering, and all of a sudden he's forgotten about it.

I try to yell and warn him, but no words escape my mouth, now bleeding from the impact of the door. I need to get up. It hurts so much. The extent of the damage that those girls had caused me is high. I run as fast as I can, stumbling over my own feet. I know I look terrible, but everyone is distracted by the commotion that the stalkers have caused.


The words finally escape my mouth

I hear the smash of a fallen glass and I'm out cold.





Please wake up, Is.

My eyes jolt open and I can see Chelsea and Coco staring at me.

What the hell just happened? Where's Ruel?

Isabel – Guys where's Ruel? Is he ok? Did they get him?

I can feel the streams of tears rolling down my face. Somehow I feel this is my fault. I'm the one that took him to the Eiffel Tower. Where that girl touched him.

Coco- he's okay. It's fine.

Isabel – this is all my fault

Chelsea- No, it's not. He said they've been stalking him even when we were in Sydney. It's fine now anyway. He's fine. The girls are being handled. It's okay.

Coco wipes my tears with her sleeves.

Chelsea – We're going to take you to a doctor to get checked out. That blow to the head knocked you out for a while.

Isabel- What time is it?

Chelsea checks her phone

Chelsea – 2.44am, you were out for a good 6 hours

Coco- We tried to wake you up for ages and you wouldn't budge, so we stayed here while everyone else left.

We make our way outside to get an uber back to the hotel. Coco and Chelsea both carry me outside whilst I argue that I feel fine.

I really didn't. This must've been what Ruel felt like when I wacked him with that lamp pole.

Where was he? When I asked Coco and Chelsea they seemed reluctant to tell me. Something smelt fishy, figuratively and literally. The uber we had just gotten into smelt like dead fish. I wanted to throw up.

As soon as we got to the hotel I collapsed onto the bed and fell asleep. My head was still aching a bit but I was so tired. Chelsea came in with a doctor whilst I was sleeping, who assessed my head and left some medication on my side table.

At around 4am, I felt someone slip into my bed. I rolled over, my eyes still closed, and felt their hair. It was Ruel. He wrapped his arms around me and we fell asleep. Again.

frick this is so bad lol. will update with much better content soon. xoooo

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