With Ears to See and Eyes to Hear

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I woke up in total darkness with a faint rumbling beneath me. My hands and feet were taped together and I was pretty sure a blindfold was over my eyes. I felt a hard bump and knew we were moving. Whoever we were. I tried to fight against the panic building in my chest. Claustrophobia creeped in on me as I pushed my hands up and felt nothing but a hard wall pushing back on me. I couldn't breathe as tears began running down my face. What about Oli and the others? Are they okay? I didn't get to say goodbye. It wasn't supposed to be like this. My vision went black once more as unconsciousness claimed me a victim.


When I woke once again, I was freezing cold and lying in darkness on a hard surface. My hands and feet were no longer taped together and I was pretty sure that the blindfold was gone too. There wasn't much to see, my eyes took a long time to adjust. I was in some sort of cellar or basement. There was one small window with a square of light coming in. By the looks of it, it was sunrise. I still had no idea where I was or how long I had been here. There was a steep set of stairs in the corner, against the wall. The door at the top opened and a heavy set of footsteps came down.

"Ryleigh, my dear, it's been too long. Have you wanted to continue where we left off?"that menacingly haunting voice I never wished to hear again said. I stayed silent and set my jaw. I tried to calm my racing heart. He approached me, backed into a corner.

He put his arms on either side of my head, preventing any escape. I spat in his eye. "You worthless little daughter of a whore! You thought I wouldn't find you, again. Guess you were wrong, bitch!"he spat and slapped me. I fell to my knees with a stinging cheek. Don't get me wrong, I had a pretty high pain tolerance but he slapped me hard enough I'm surprised I'm still conscious. "You'll wish you were dead by the time I'm done with you,"he said as I glanced up at him from the floor. He spun on his heel and returned upstairs, where he came from.

I remembered my cell phone in my waistband. It was still there but I had no service. I decided to preserve it, just in case I get out of here alive. In the corner, I spotted a bowl of water and a bucket to pee in. Where the hell am I? I curled up into a ball and stared at the wall. I needed to find a way out of here and fast.

"You think she'll like this?"I asked Jordan. "I wouldn't know why she wouldn't. It's literally like breaded chicken strips, only the Japanese version,"Jordan answered. We decided to get sushi but I wasn't sure that Ryleigh liked seafood or Japanese so I decided on the Panko chicken.

We entered the elevator to go up to my apartment. We were walking down the hall when something started to feel off. You know that feeling when you know there's something off or wrong but you can't tell what it is? Your stomach is in knots. I had that sort of feeling. I held my hand up for the guys to stop then we slowly creeped forward. We reached my door, only the door wasn't there. It was kicked wide open with splintered wood all over the floor. An abandoned frying pan lay on the floor a few feet from the door. What the hell?

"Ryleigh!"I yelled through the apartment. There was no response and we all split off. The apartment was empty with no sign of her or where she went. "FUCK! OLI, YOU NEED TO SEE THIS!"Lee yelled. He was holding the frying pan. It had a note taped to it.

"No time for formalities. Oliver Sykes, if you're reading this then yes I have Ryleigh. I won't guarantee you'll find her and if you do, that she'll be okay or alive. You have two months starting today to find her. It's apart of the game. Play it right and she might survive. Play it wrong and well you know how this ends. One clue, start where it all began."

"Call the cops! Now!"I demanded. This wasn't good. Whoever this was, they either knew me or they've been stalking Ryleigh for a long time. The sound of Matt on the phone was faint due to the ringing in my ears. I was trying to think. Where it all began? "Sheffield!"I blurted out loud. The guys all looked at me confused. "Sheffield? Dude, we haven't been home in months. What does that have to do with anything?"Lee asked. "Start where it all began. For us, it started at Sheffield. She has to be there,"I said.

"The cops are on the way,"Matt said as we tried to think through everything. It hit me then that I had to call Brendon. God, how would I tell him? "I'll be back,"I said and walked into the kitchen. I dialed his number and took a deep breath as it rang. It was going to be at least eight in the morning for them.

"Hello?"his voice asked, still thick with sleep. "Brendon?"I asked. "Oli? What's wrong?"he asked more alert. "Ryleigh, she's been kidnapped. We've called the cops. She was alone no longer than thirty minutes at my apartment. The door was locked. It was a forced entry, my door was kicked in. The cops are on the way, I think she might be in Sheffield so I'm going to go there to look. You call everyone else you need to and call me if you're flying in, I'll get someone to pick you up,"I said in a rush.

"Brendon, who is it?"I heard Sarah ask tiredly. "Oli. Ryleigh's been kidnapped,"he said to her. "Thanks for calling. I'll be there as soon as I can. I gotta go,"he said hurriedly and the line went dead as lights from the cop cars on the street below lit up my apartment red and blue. Their sirens were just another noise in a bustling city full of life.

A/N: Hey y'all! Welcome to book 4. Thanks to all of you who have made it this far, you're so awesome! I have so many plans for this book, so many twists. It's gonna be great. Much love!


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