From Now On We Are Enemies

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I made my way downstairs with a towel in my hand. An oversized tee shirt was overtop of my bikini. I walked to the pool. There was drinking going on. A giant pink flamingo had been tossed into the pool at some point. I squealed as I felt someone shove me in. The water was surprisingly warm. I came to the surface and came face to face with Zachary Merrick. He was holding a hand down to help me out.

I grabbed and pulled as hard as I could. It was enough to knock him off balance. He couldn't regain it quick enough and fell in. "CANONBALL!"Jack screamed and jumped in after him. I carefully climbed out to remove my soaked tee shirt. It was white so naturally you could see through it. I felt someone staring at me. I glanced around and saw Zack watching from within the pool.

I pulled it off slowly. I haven't shown this much skin in years. Dad came up to hug me. "I'm so proud of you,"he said and kissed the top of my head. That was one reason that I loved my family, he never judged me or looked at me any different. He only loved me and made sure I knew he would be there for me always.


After awhile, I got a little cold and wanted a tea so I went inside with a towel around my shoulders. I was coming back through the hall when a voice spoke up behind me. "You look beautiful. I miss you,"the male voice said. Most of the lights were off with small tea lights lit and decorative lights strung on the walls. Something foreign, dark, and unknown was hidden in those eyes I missed more than I would ever admit. I felt myself getting lost in their deepness again. I could see a sadness in them that wasn't there before. I knew I had hurt him, I was known for hurting the ones I love.

He came closer and then Zack's lips were crashing on mine. I felt myself melting against him before trying to push him away. I saw Adam appear in the hallway behind him and managed to pull back. Adam came over and shoved Zack back as he came between us. He pulled his arm back to punch Zack and I grabbed his arm. "No, Adam, don't!"I cried. He pulled me to him in the most aggressive way I've seen him, which would probably leave bruises, and pressed his lips to mine. I knew it was to make Zack jealous and his aggressiveness also had me afraid of him.

I shoved him back and went to run upstairs to my room. "Ryleigh, wait! I'm sorry!"he yelled after me. I heard them shoving each other but didn't dare look back. I collided with a warm and solid chest. "Hey, hey, what's the matter?"they asked. I recognized them as Alex. I shook my head no and tried to fight the tears in my eyes. "Let it out. It's okay,"Alex assured me and I let loose the ugliest sob I'd ever heard.

He hugged me tightly. "Wanna tell me what happened?"he asked. I shook my head no at first. He carefully picked me up bridal style and sat me on his lap on my bed. "Zack kissed me. Then Adam was trying to make him jealous and he got a little aggressive trying to kiss me and I ran off,"I said softly. I saw Alex's face go furious.

"That son of a bitch!"he said. "Alex, don't. Just let it go. Please,"I begged. "But I promised I wouldn't let him hurt you,"Alex said with hurt in his eyes. "He didn't hurt me. Not physically. It's my birthday and he's your bandmate. Please just let well enough alone,"I begged. "Fine,"he sighed and hugged me. "I got you something,"Alex said and pulled out a box wrapped with a bow.

I carefully pulled one end to undo the ribbon. I popped the box open and found a gorgeous charm bracelet. It had charms that represented all of the band's along with music notes and mini basses. "Oh, Alex. It's beautiful, I love it!"I said and hugged him. He helped me put it on. "One more thing,"he said. "Yeah?"I asked. "This is a lot to ask and, if you don't want to because of Zack, I understand, okay?"Alex said and I hadn't seen him so serious.

I nodded for him to continue. "I proposed to Lisa awhile ago. We both want you at the wedding as a bridesmaid. You can say no. I know we're asking a lot,"Alex said and began to ramble. "I'll be there, Lex,"I said. "Really?"he asked. "Yeah, really. Just give me a time and date,"I said. "November 17th,"he said. We hugged once more then we returned to everyone else still outside.

Many people had left. The few left were singing along with each other, falling asleep or sharing tour stories. Adam was gone. I realized we just had our first fight as a couple. I felt so disconnected with my friends. I was rarely at school anymore. This tour and musician lifestyle kept me busy. I loved it, though.

Pete came up to me. "Hey, Ry Row?"he asked. "Hey, Wentz Peteza,"I said, gesturing for him to sit next to me. "You haven't called me that in forever,"he said. I shrugged. "I have one more surprise birthday present,"he said. I cocked my head to look at him. He already gave me a present.

"It's a surprise to everyone else, but let's just say Saint and Bronx are about to be the oldest,"he said. "Wait, really?"I asked. "Yeah, we just found out the gender a week ago. She's having a girl,"Pete said and showed me photos of the ultrasound. I hugged him. "That's amazing! I'm happy for you guys. I'm gonna have my hands full,"I said and my eyes widened. I wasn't supposed to say anything yet.

It was his turn to look confused as he glanced around at the few remaining people. If you paid close enough attention, you could see small bumps on Mom and Jenna. They couldn't keep their hands away from their small tummies. "Wait, them, too?"he asked. I shrugged and mimed zipping my lips closed. He nodded in understanding.

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