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Mom took Maddie in and Josh came out. "Hey, little sis. You ready?"he asked. I smiled at him as I looked down at my belly again. "Yeah,"I answered. I was still terrified but less so. I was actually excited to be bringing life to the world. Mom climbed back in and we started on our journey again.

I watched the scenery outside pass by. I remembered everything I still hadn't told dad. "Hey, Dad,"I said. "Hm?"he asked. Josh must've seen the panic on my face because he reached over and squeezed my hand. "Remember that accident?"I asked out of the blue. "Yeah, why?"he asked, glancing at me through the rearview. "I did some bad things. I struggled with an eating disorder,"I said, looking down in shame. "Hey, it's okay. The things you did aren't the person you are. They don't define you,"Dad said, making me meet his gaze in the mirror. I nodded and went back to watching out the window.

We made our way inside. They called me back almost immediately so the four of us crowded into the tiny room. "Good morning, Ryleigh! How are you feeling?"my doctor greeted me. I was already laying back on the table. "Good I guess,"I replied. "Let's have a look, yes?"she said and snapped on some gloves. She did what she had to, including drawing some blood. "Now, the fun part. You would like to know the gender?"she asked. I nodded. Josh dialed up my siblings who answered and sat waiting for the answer.

She helped lift my shirt and squeezed a cold gel on my stomach. She moved the little stick around and I heard my baby's heart beating, strong and steady. She took a few moments. "It's a girl. Congratulations!"she said as she took her gloves off. I smiled at them and waved to my siblings. Josh ended the FaceTime. She wiped the gel off my stomach.

"You will want to check into birthing classes before you go into labor,"she said, writing on my chart. Josh and Dad helped me sit. She printed a photo of the ultrasound then we were on our way. When we got home, I took a photo of the ultrasound and posted it to Instagram.

@ryleighdunurie: I know I haven't posted in awhile. I was waiting to share this piece of huge information. Surprise! I'm having a girl around the end of June, beginning of July. I could not be more thrilled. I'll share more later xoxo

Comments and likes started pouring in. Zack liked it but he didn't comment. I kind of forgotten he'd see it. I wanted to get him off my mind. As long as he doesn't piece two and two together things will be fine. I couldn't screw up his life.  I replied to a few comments including Alex and other family or friends. Others were asking if I decided a name and I did but I wasn't sharing that with the public, yet.

I watched Maddie crawl around. Mom smiled at her with a love that I couldn't describe. I could only hope to be the best for my child. I hoped I made the right choice. I could hear the thoughts echoing in my mind. Sighing, I went upstairs and curled up in my window seat. It was my favorite part of my room. My mind kept wandering back to Adam as it often did.

I looked through the photos on my phone. We had good times together and then things weren't so good. My phone buzzed in my hand.

Emily: Yo, I'm bored. Wanna head to the mall?

Ryleigh: sure thing. See ya in 10

I grabbed my car keys and went downstairs. I knocked on the door frame of dad's office. "Hey, I'm going to the mall with Emily,"I said. "Here. Maybe you can get some baby stuff?"he asked and pressed a wad of cash into my hand. I nodded. "Thanks. Be home later,"I said. Maddie was asleep on her tummy on mom's chest. It was adorable. I kissed Maddie's forehead and let them sleep.

I climbed in my car, settled the music and drove over to Emily's house before we went to the mall. I tossed a beanie on, hoping to keep some fans from recognizing me right away. Emily talked often. I tried to pay attention but I couldn't. We passed by a couple, pushing a toddler in a stroller. They laughed and held hands. It made me long to have that but I knew I never could.

"Hello? Earth to Ryleigh?"Emily asked, waving a hand in front of my face. I realized I had completely spaced out, staring at the couple that was now gone. "Hm?"I asked. "You okay?"she asked, concern shining in her eyes. "Yeah, I just got to thinking,"I said, putting a hand over my stomach.

We continued walking. We were walking by a baby place when I reached out to stop her. "Hey, can we go in there? My dad wanted me to get some more baby stuff,"I said. "Yeah, sure,"she said with a smile. We ended up with bags full of clothes and other various things that the baby would need or that I was using for her room. We were figuring out how to carry it all when a British voice called out my name.

"Ryleigh?"the male voice asked. I could hear them getting closer. Instantly, I got nervous. I looked up and was met with Oli. "Oli?"I asked. He hugged me, carefully. "What are you doing here?"I asked. I could see that Emily was starstruck. "We're working on a new record. I was supposed to be heading to a music store,"he said. I could see him eyeing my bags.

"Well, Oli, this is my friend Emily,"I introduced them formally. "Nice to meet you. So how have you been?"he asked. "Good. Getting bigger every day. Dad's had so many midnight trips to the store to satisfy my strange cravings,"I said, causing him to laugh. "That sounds like him. Do you need any help with that?"he asked, gesturing to the bags. "If you want to,"I said. We caught up on the way to the car and he helped load it up. "It was great seeing you. I hope to see you again soon,"he said as we hugged. My eyes were a little watery as we said goodbye.

Life Unexpected (The Urie's Daughter Series Book 4)Where stories live. Discover now