Somewhere In Neverland

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Mom had to stay in the hospital for a couple of days. They wanted to make sure everything was okay with her and Maddie. Finally, we were allowed to leave two days later. Mom and Dad waited till we were home to announce it on social media. We really didn't want to get mobbed by fans, dealing with AltPress and TMZ was enough.


Timeskip: 3 months

Maddie was getting so big. I was getting ready to fly to Baltimore for Alex's wedding. I hated leaving even if it was just for a week. Dad and I spent some time in the studio. He was working on a new album. He hasn't decided a title yet but he wants to have it out in June. I've helped work with him, occasionally changing a few words here or there in the lyrics. My bag was packed. I was so nervous about seeing Zack again. His words still lingered in my mind. Eleven o'clock rolled around quickly. My flight was at one in the morning. Dad agreed to drop me off since we didn't want to wake Maddie.

"Be careful. I love you,"he said, hugging me tightly on the sidewalk. "I will. I love you too, Dad,"I said, hugging him just as tight. I quickly tied my now half blue hair into a messy bun, shoving it into a beanie. I dip dyed the tips awhile ago. I just need a change. I dreaded all of the make-up work I would have from missing school the next week. I shoved my earbuds in and went to my gate after going through security. I was so anxious.


I slept through the flight. We landed thirty minutes ago. I was hiding out with sunglasses on. I opened Twitter again.

@ryleighdunurie: @alexgaskarth where the fuck are you?

Thousands of comments appeared in seconds.

@hellosarahurie: @ryleighdunurie watch your language!

@ryleighdunurie: sorry mom!

@petewentz: @brendonurie when did your daughter get such a naughty mouth? Thought she learned better 😂

@ryleighdunurie: @petewentz oh hush

I was soon tagged in a photo of Jack Barakat.

@alexgaskarth: @ryleighdunurie I'm so Dun with Barakitty. There was a lot of traffic. I'm in the parking lot. Please help!

@jackbarakat: @alexgaskarth don't pretend you don't enjoy my rapping

I rolled my eyes and pulled my suitcase behind me. I left Bailey with Dad, Penny, Bogart, Maddie, and Mom. Sure enough I reached the parking lot to find Jack rapping his heart out in the passenger seat. I tried to stifle my laugh at the look on Alex's face as I shoved my suitcase in the trunk. I tugged on my hoodie sleeves. It was so cold here but it was also November so it makes sense. An early snow lingered on the ground. I marveled at it's beauty. It could cause destruction but also glistened like tiny diamonds. I missed it, I don't remember the last time I saw snow.

I got to Alex's house which was full of people, all of us had separate rooms. He lugged my suitcase upstairs and I fell asleep, not waking up until the next afternoon. Jet lag was a bitch. Rian was the one shaking me awake to get me ready for the rehearsal dinner. It ran smoothly. Zack kept staring at me so I made a point to look away. It made me more self conscious. I knew his last comment a few months ago must have been directed at me but I didn't want to deal with it even if it has been months, feelings change. Who was I kidding? My heart skipped a beat every time I saw him.

We ordered pizza for dinner and I only drank a beer while the guys got pretty slammed, enjoying their last few days with Alex as a single man.


Lisa was so nice. I was happy for her and Alex. The tips of her hair was dyed a light pink. Her wide blue eyes required minimal makeup. She was beautiful. Her wedding dress fit perfect. I had only seen my dress once to make sure it fit. Pulling it out of the garment bag, I was taken aback by it's beauty once more.

It's dark blue was accented by little sparkles that shined like stars. It fit just as perfect, the top was a v-neck that showed some of my breasts. Lisa took the time to do my makeup. Someone else did my hair. I was surprised to see the reflection looking back at me.

I followed Lisa down the aisle. Zack looked like tears were in his eyes. Alex couldn't stop smiling at his bride. The wedding was gorgeous. Their vows to each other had me tearing up. "You may kiss the bride!"the officiant yelled. The shared a sweet and slightly passionate kiss.


The venue was decorated with little lights. It was a very rustic venue which luckily had heat. The photos were taken outside and I was absolutely frozen. I had tried to avoid Zack. I couldn't take one more confrontation. After dinner, Alex and Lisa danced. Alex was singing softly to Lisa. She tossed the bouquet and it landed perfectly in my hands. Many people clapped while I looked at it in shock and admired its beauty.

I sat alone leaning against a wall drinking a beer. I knew I shouldn't with my history but what could a drink hurt? Nobody paid attention whether I was legal age or not. Zack had stared at me all night. "Hey, you're Ryleigh Urie, right?"a man with dark blue hair asked. It brought out the blue of his eyes. "Yeah,"I said. "It's so nice to meet you. I'm Cody Carson from the band Set It Off. I'd love to collaborate sometime and, if you ever find yourself writing solo music, here's my number. I'd love to bring you on tour,"Cody said. I nodded, slipping the number into my pocket. I changed into jeans and a flannel after pictures. I watched the dance floor for awhile before I finished my drink and went to grab another. I was so happy for Alex but I also longed for my forever. If I would ever get my happily ever after.

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