Lonely Dance

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I was utterly exhausted. It didn't matter. Even the pain meds couldn't help me sleep. I slept no longer than 15 minutes at a time. Nightmares haunted me. They took turns comforting me. Josh went in the hall to take a phone call and get some food. He promised to bring me ice chips. Oli called to update the guys so Tyler stayed with me. I could tell I was worrying them by the way they watched me. I couldn't blame them, I was probably whimpering in my sleep. As a kid, I used to.  That was before I was just their toy to beat around.

"Hey, Tyjo?"I asked, weakly. "Yeah?"he asked in reply as he ran his hand over my forehead to smooth my hair back. "Can you lay with me?"I asked. "Sure thing,"he said and carefully climbed onto the bed next to me. I leaned against his chest, listening to his heartbeat. We laid there in silence for awhile. "Can you tell me something good?"I finally asked, hoping good news would help me sleep. "Well...I'm not supposed to say anything, yet. I doubt Jenna will mind,"Tyler debated out loud to himself. "She's not here because we're expecting,"he said calmly with excitement in his eyes as I looked up at him. "You're what?"I asked.

"She's pregnant. We're expecting a baby this year. I'm gonna be a dad!"Tyler said proudly. "When?"I asked. "Let's see. When a mommy and a daddy love each other very much...."he said and trailed off in thought as we started laughing. "I'm not sure of the exact date. It has to stay between us. Not even Josh knows. We're very early into it,"Tyler said. "Promise!"I said and held out my pinky. He took it and the deal was sealed. I fell asleep, at last, curled into Tyler's side, listening to the rhythm of his heartbeat.


I only slept for a few hours but it's the most I've slept peacefully in a month. Dad had actually just gotten here as did the officers questioning me. "Ryleigh!"Dad shouted as he ran into my room. He pulled me into a tight hug. He sat on the small space next to my feet. Tyler had moved to the chair next to my bed. "Thank God you're okay! I was so worried. We all were,"dad whispered into my ear as he held my head against his shoulder.

"Ms. Urie?"an officer called from the doorway. Dad and I sprung apart. Oli jolted awake. "Yes?"I asked. "Is it alright if we ask you some questions now?"a different officer asked. There were two of them, one male and one female, and they pulled chairs up to the end of my bed, most likely to seem less intimidating to me.

"We have your kidnapper in custody. We were wondering if he harmed you in anyway?"the male of the pair asked. "Uh...yeah, yeah he did,"I spoke while glancing at the floor. I hated thinking back on it. "Can you explain? I'm sorry to ask this of you but the more information we have, the better shot we have at putting him in jail,"the female officer said. I nodded. "He kicked me and starved me,"I said, afraid of saying the other for the fear it would make it real.

"Did he do anything else? Take your time,"the female officer said with pity in her eyes. "Yeah, h-h--he r--raped m-me,"I stuttered. Tyler and Dad looked away, disgusted. Oli glanced at me with tears in his eyes while Josh took his place on the other side of my feet and squeezed my hand. "Thank you for your time,"the officers said and exited my room. I could tell Oli wanted to comfort me but I had no room left. My tears started to fall then. I knew there wasn't proof of the rape. He covered his tracks well, especially since I started my period after. Tyler hugged me and then they all joined in, singing to me while I cried myself to sleep.


"THIS IS YOUR FAULT! DO YOU UNDERSTAND THAT? HOW COULD YOU LET THIS HAPPEN?"someone whisper shouted angrily outside of my hospital room. I peeked my eyes open enough to make out Dad and Oli in the hall. Josh was asleep on the guest couch and Tyler was no where to be seen so probably the cafeteria or bathroom. It was dark out.

I turned my attention back to the conversation in the hallway. "My fault? She was alone in my locked apartment. I didn't know this was going to happen!"Oli whisper shouted in return. "I sent her to you for you to protect her while we solved this and instead you let her get kidnapped by the man we were trying to protect her from!"Dad seethed. They went back and forth for awhile before I swung my legs to the edge of the bed and carefully stood. I grabbed the IV stand and cautiously made my way to the door. I pulled it open and they both stopped to look at me. "Ryleigh, honey, go back to bed. It's okay,"Dad said, taking in my tired and disheveled appearance.

"No!"I said. "Ryleigh, listen to your Dad,"Oli begged. "No. You both need to stop! No one is at fault here besides that bastard who kidnapped me and took his pride in raping me again,"I seethed. "But,"Dad started. I cut him off with my hand. "No, no buts! I expected more from both of you. I just can't do this right now,"I said. "What are you saying?"Dad asked with hurt and concern in his eyes. "Until you can sort your differences, leave for awhile. Don't visit me, especially not together. Sort this out and maybe I'll think about it. If all you can do is blame people then do it away from me,"I said and closed the door on their shocked faces. When the door was closed, I sunk down to the floor and began to let everything out in my cries and sobs.

Life Unexpected (The Urie's Daughter Series Book 4)Where stories live. Discover now