Take Cover

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Gerard let out a loud snore as a knock on the door alerted us that Mikey and Frank were here. Mikey just glared at his older brother as Frank grabbed him under one arm and I took the other. We watched from the door as they pulled away from the curb.

I put some apple spiced tea on the stove for Ryleigh and joined them in the living room. I knew she wouldn't be able to sleep so we turned the TV on to Insatiable. Josh's fiance starred in it and it was honestly really good. They covered some aspects of what is wrong in today's society.

After drinking the tea, Ryleigh fell asleep between Sarah and I. A short time later, we dozed off, too.


When I woke the next morning, I was sitting between mom and dad on the couch. The TV was playing softly. Memories of the previous night raced through my head. I pulled my phone out to text Mikey and Frank.

To Mikey and Frnkie: How's Gee?

There wasn't a reply for several minutes. It was pretty early in the morning still considering the night we all had. I put my phone down and carefully stood to make my way to the kitchen. I found some bread and decided to make toast. I suddenly heard someone getting sick as my phone started going off.

Frnkie is calling....

Ryleigh: Hello?

Frank: Hey, how soon can you be here or get ready?

Ryleigh: Quickly. Why? What's wrong?

Frank: Gee locked himself in his office. We can't get him to come out. We figured you're our best hope.

Ryleigh: How soon can you get me?

Frank: Fifteen Minutes.

Ryleigh: See ya.

I quickly ran upstairs to throw a hoodie over my leggings. I peeked in the bathroom to see mom at the toilet. "Are you okay?"I asked. "Mhm,"She said. "Is it okay if I go with Frank? Gee needs my help,"I said. She nodded and I dashed down the stairs and outside where Frank was just pulling up. It was strange how quiet we were. The only noise was the radio blasting Queen through the speakers.

I was so nervous as we pulled up in front of the Way household. I followed Frank inside. "They're upstairs,"Frank said and led me upstairs. Bandit was playing with her toys, watching some kids show. "Please, Gee,"I heard Lindsey beg. Mikey was outside the door, glaring at it. If he could burn holes in it, I'm sure he would. They scooted back as they saw me. "Maybe you can knock some sense into my idiot brother's brain. He locked himself in there and has been drinking himself silly,"Mikey said as he embraced Lindsey.

Mikey had another kid on the way. He should be with Kristin and Rowan but instead he was here. I knocked. "Open the door, Gee!"I demanded. "No!"he yelled back. "I'm only trying to help. I don't know why you're doing this now but open the bloody door so we can fucking talk!"I yelled. He stayed silent. "Let's give them a minute,"Lindsey said and led Frank and Mikey downstairs.

I slid down the door and rested against it. "Why are you doing this? What about Bandit?"I asked softly. "That's none of your concern. Bandit has Lindsey who won't fuck her up as badly as I can,"he spat. I turned to face the closed door. "Is this about me? Because it shouldn't be. We all just want to help you. Why the hell are you doing this and why the fuck won't you let us help you?"I seethed. He stayed silent. I slammed my fist against the door. "Leave! Go away! No one wants you here anyways! You're the last person I would want to talk to!"he screamed and yelled at me. Tears welled in my eyes.

"You're a real asshole. I can't believe I trusted and looked up to you! I told you everything, you fucking prick!"I said and spun on my heel. I ran down the stairs and out the door before anyone could stop me. I didn't know quite where I was going and I didn't have car but I kept up a quick pace as I ran away from the Way household. Maybe I deserved everything I've gotten. After all, every time I trusted a male look where it got me.

My tears started falling against my will. I ended up on Adam's doorstep. I knocked and knocked but he wasn't home. No one answered the door. I turned and walked to a close park where I dialed Dad's number.

Ryleigh: "Hey, Dad?"

Brendad: "Ry, honey, what's wrong? Are you crying? Are you hurt?"

Ryleigh: "Can you come get me?"

Brendad: "Send me your location."

I sat patiently waiting on the park bench. Children were squealing and running around. I missed being so carefree. I jumped when a hand landed on my shoulder. I relaxed when I saw it was Dad. "Hey, kiddo,"he said and sat next to me. I stayed quiet as I watched everything happening. A squrriel ran up a tree. Birds called to their mates. "Do you wanna talk about it?"he asked after a minute. I shrugged.

He stood and held a hand out to me. I took it and we walked to the car where we got in and drove home. I curled up under a blanket. I didn't utter a word to anyone all afternoon. A knock on the door interrupted me from staring blankly at the TV screen. "I got it!"I yelled. I didn't know where mom and dad were.

I opened it to a gorgeous blonde haired woman. "Oh, hey. Uh, I was looking for the Urie household?"she asked, confused. She kept rambling as I took in her appearance. Black combat boots, green Mudd jacket over a loose grey shirt over ripped skinny jeans. She had a nose ring and a drum key necklace. She turned to go.
"Wait! Let me get my Dad,"I said.

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