Head Above Water (I)

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"Dad, someone is at the door for you!"I yelled. He came running. "Who is it?"he asked then took in the girl in the doorway. "You must be Nicole!"he said with a bright smile. I looked at him confused. "Ryleigh, meet the new bassist for Panic! At The Disco,"Dad said. "I'm Ryleigh, Brendon's daughter,"I said and offered my hand out for her to shake. She shook it. "I'm Nicole Row. It's so nice to meet you,"she said. "Likewise,"I said.

Dad closed the door behind her and they disappeared to the studio, probably to talk about music related things. Mike and Dan were in there, too. I flopped back down on the couch as Mom made her way out next to me. She sat carefully beside me, hands on her stomach. I turned to look at her. "Mom, are you okay?"I asked. "Yeah, fine. Why?"she asked. "You're holding your stomach?"I asked with a raised eyebrow.

"Do you remember how I got sick this morning?"She asked. I nodded. "It's happened a lot lately. Your father doesn't know about any of this,"she said. I understood then that this conversation had to remain between us. "Ryleigh, honey, you're about to be a big sister,"she said. "Wait, does this mean what I think it does?"I squealed. She nodded. "I'm pregnant,"she said softly as I embraced her in a tight hug. We spent the afternoon binge watching Netflix shows. I loved The Umbrella Academy a lot so we watched that and moved on to other shows she thought I might like.

I went to bed around ten that night. Mike, Dan, and Nicole all left. I left mom and dad to do their thing and went upstairs. I spent a long time looking at myself in the mirror. The tired circles deepening beneath my tired eyes. My dull colored hair. My pale skin with its scars and imperfections. I sighed, turned away, and turned out the light before falling into a deep sleep.


A buzzing sound pulled me away from sleep a few hours later. I fumbled around in the dark and found my phone on the floor. I squinted and bent down to grab it. Who would be calling at three in the morning?

Ryleigh: Hello?

Frank: Ryleigh, something happened. I need you to get to the hospital.

Ryleigh: Frank? Why? What's going on?

Frank: Something happened with Gee. I'll explain more when you get here.

Then he hung up. I jumped out of bed and threw on a hoodie before I ran to mom and dad's room. I shook dad. "Dad! Get up!"I said. "Ryleigh, what's wrong? Go back to bed,"he said sleepily. "No time to explain! Let's go!"I said urgently, trying to pull him. "Go where, honey?"he asked softly. Tears were welling in my eyes. "What's going on?"Mom asked tiredly, squinting at me. "Dad, please! We need to go now!"I begged, my voice thick.

"Okay, okay!"he said, rolling out of bed. I darted downstairs and grabbed the car keys. I was in my pajamas still but I didn't give a fuck. Dad sleepily made his way to the car. "Care to tell me where we're going and why?"he asked as he backed out of the driveway. "The hospital. I don't know much more. Frank called me. Something happened with Gee,"I cried out.


I took off running as soon as dad threw the car into park. "Ryleigh!"dad yelled after me as he tried to hurry my direction. I ran to the receptionist desk. "I need information on Gerard Way,"I demanded. "I'm sorry. We can't disclose patient information to non-family,"She said. "That's bullshit! Bullshit!"I screamed and slammed my hand on the counter.

I knew I was making a scene but I didn't care anymore. I was upset and I needed to know that he was okay. This was all my fault! I fell to my knees and started crying. "It's all my fault,"I repeated over and over with my head in my hands against the cold tile floor. "Ryleigh!"someone yelled. Someone was pulling me into their arms. "Shh! It's not your fault! It's okay! You're okay!"they soothed. I could tell by the voice and cologne that it was Frank. "What happened?"Dad asked as he finally came in and crouched next to me.

I sniffled and clung to Frank. "How is he? Is he okay?"I croaked. Frank nodded. "They haven't updated us in a bit. After you left, he just kept drinking and drinking. Eventually, he stopped replying and Mikey kicked the door in,"Frank spoke and paused. "They think it was alcohol poisoning. He'll have to go back to rehab or something,"Frank said. His eyes were as red rimmed as mine.

"Come on. Mikey and Lindsey are upstairs,"Frank said, lending me a hand to get up. We went upstairs. Mikey stood. Lindsey was holding a sleeping Bandit. Mikey pulled me into a tight hug. "How're you holding up, kid?"he asked. I shrugged. I didn't know what to say. I carefully hugged Lindsey over the sleeping Bandit on her lap.

We were oddly quiet. I felt myself drifting in and out of sleep. "Way?"a doctor called out tiredly. My eyes popped open and I quickly stood with the others. Bandit was awake now and playing on Lindsey's phone. It was daylight. I must've actually slept. "He made it through okay. He's a little groggy but I think we're through the worst of it. You're welcome to go in now if you'd like,"the doctor said. We sighed in relief and Lindsey turned to hug Mikey.

I saw her glance to Bandit and wonder if she should go in until they knew what was going on. "I'll take Bandit for as long as you need. At least I can get her out of the hospital for a bit until you have more information,"I spoke up. "Thank you!"Lindsey whispered in my ear as she hugged me tightly. I walked over to Bandit. "Lady B, how would you like to spend some time with me?"I asked as I crouched down to her level. "Okay,"she said and stood. She handed Lindsey the phone and grabbed my hand. "Are you sure about this?"Dad asked. I nodded.

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