Helena (So Long and Goodnight)

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Jasey and I were only in the hospital for three days. She was finally breathing on her own. She didn't cry often while we were there. That changed as soon as we got home. She won't sleep through the night. I'm lucky if I get to sleep three hours at a time. Dad sometimes took shifts. Josh would stay over every other night to help feed her in the middle of the night. Debby was often on set till late anyways. Bailey often was up with me when we had those really rough nights.

That was a month and a half ago. Now, I was buckling her carseat in correctly. Mom had put Maddie in. I motioned for Bailey, my big yellow lab, to get in the backseat. I was taking them to the airport. They had an apartment in New York. Mom, Penny, Bogart, and Maddie were going with Dad. I assured them I would be fine. Maddie is so much bigger than Jasey. Jasey isn't ready to fly, yet. She hated nighttime. Dad or I would often have to sing her back to sleep. She was pretty happy otherwise. She smiled at everything.

I've heard all of All Time Low's new demos. I don't think Alex realized they were still shared with me. Or maybe he did and he didn't care. I didn't tell dad about the one that appeared today but I was afraid to listen to it. It was called Jasey Rae. There was another labeled Therapy. I put Jasey in her baby b-jorn which is this thing that goes over my shoulders and leaves her sitting against my chest. She was napping. I couldn't blame her. I made Bailey stay in the car. She whined but stayed put.

It was eleven at night. Knowing that, though, meant Jasey would probably be up the rest of the night. I sighed and locked the car as I followed Mom and Dad inside. Dad had their suitcases and his guitar. Mom had Maddie. I was so glad I received my GED, at least I could stay home with Jasey instead of finding a sitter. I decided I wasn't going to college. I wanted to perform, I'd start on an album. College would be difficult anyways because I'm a mother now. Her life depends on my life. I needed to get my own place but I'm going to wait until Jasey is a little bit older.

I hugged Mom carefully then kissed Maddie's forehead. "I'll see you soon?"I asked. Mom nodded and kissed my forehead before kissing Jasey's. I hugged Dad tightly, mindful of Jasey. "We'll be back before you know it. If you want to come visit then you know how to contact us. We're a flight away,"Dad said. I nodded and tried to hide my welling tears.

I was terrified of being alone. They were taking Bogart and Penny Lane, too. I had Bailey, of course. They boarded their plane and I made my way to my car. I buckled Jasey in then turned my phone's music on softly as I drove back home to an empty house. I took Jasey's carseat out of the car. Bailey jumped out, doing her business before following me in. I locked the door once we were inside then started making her bottle. I sat her on her little chair in the living room, letting her sleep a bit longer.

A knock on the door startled me and I froze. Bailey barked, waking Jasey and making her cry. I wasn't expecting anyone and it was after one in the morning. I went to reach for my phone but it was in the living room on the table. I tiptoed to the window to look out the blinds. I knew it wouldn't be Josh or Tyler because Twenty One Pilots still had two weeks left of their tour. That still left the question who was visiting me in the middle of the night? My mind involuntarily wandered to the night I was kidnapped from Oli's. I felt my breathing getting thinner and tears stream down my cheeks. I sighed when I saw Josh's familiar frame. You Me At Six was still working on their album.

My shaky fingers fumbled with the lock to let him in. He came in and closed the door. "Hey, what's the matter?"he asked after he locked the door and took in my appearance. I let him wrap me into his embrace. Jasey had calmed herself back down. I breathed in his scent and tried to calm myself down. "Care to tell me what's wrong?"he asked gently. I shook my head no and went to grab Jasey's bottle. He looked at me with concern.

"I'm fine. Just old memories. It's the middle of the night,"I said. He thought about it then realized what was going on. "Here, let me feed her so you can rest. You look exhausted,"Josh said as he took the bottle from me. I carefully picked Jasey up and handed her to him. I sat down on the opposite end of the couch. Before I knew it, I had fallen as asleep to Josh mumbling and singing softly to my daughter.


I woke up in my bed and instantly went to check on Jasey. She was asleep on Josh's chest while he slept on the couch. I took a photo of them and posted it to Instagram. I quickly answered Mom and Dad's texts as well as telling Pete I was fine and he didn't need to stress.

I grabbed some breakfast and gently took Jasey, waking Josh in the process. "Morning, baby girl,"I whispered, kissing her forehead. She smiled up at me and I grabbed her bottle while Josh woke up. "Thanks for last night,"I said when he sat up. He nodded and ran a hand over his face. "What time is it?"he asked. "9 am, why?"I asked when his eyes got big. "Shit, I'm late. I'll see ya around,"he said, running around and trying to put his shoes on.

He quickly hugged me and then he was gone. I laid Jasey in her toy that laid on the floor. I pulled my phone out and decided to listen to the demos. I could tell Jasey Rae was about me. He used my daughters name. Hearing the words, I knew Zack was the one who wrote this. It was beautiful and it made me cry. Therapy had me sobbing. I was so stupid to let him go. It was better off for us both, right? I wiped my tears and got on the floor with Jasey who was giggling and talking up a storm.

It was around lunchtime when the doorbell rang. Oli stood on my doorstep with a couple of bags of McDonald's. "Is it okay if I come in?"he asked. I nodded and let him in before closing the door. We had lunch and he held Jasey while I was endlessly answering the door to our family and friends who were checking on me.

"So, you mind if I stay for awhile? I could help you,"Oli offered when I finally sat down and took my little girl into my arms. "Sure, I guess. We'll only be here another two weeks. Dad has Reading + Leeds. He's taking the weekend off for that so I'm flying out to New York to fly to Europe,"I answered.

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