Love Like War

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"Well, I mean, we have the band,"Jack said, not knowing how to phrase his question. The question was probably on all of our minds. What happens now? "I want to be in my daughters life but I'm not leaving the band. We've been friends through high school, I'm not quitting now,"Zack said. "We'll figure it out as we go,"he and Alex spoke at the same time. Alex embraced me tightly, stroking my hair as I leaned against his shoulder. I didn't think I had any more tears left but I wanted to cry.

They were being so kind and welcoming to me. While I was friends with them, I didn't expect this. I expected some form of judgement. Honestly, when did we get so judgemental of others? We put our pants on the same way. I know that in the music industry, they're so competitive that they judge each other. Then they get jealous and tell them they aren't enough. I feel like this can be applied to everything in life. It sucks to love and work hard on something to deal with that. So, why do we judge? I made a mistake but they didn't treat me any different. They were kind. We need more of that today.

After awhile, we stood and went outside to the tent where everyone was gathered for dinner and socializing. I wasn't sure how they wanted to break the news that I tried so hard to keep a secret. Instead of handing Jasey back to me, Zack continued to carry her. Jasey was smiling like never before. It made me happy to see her so happy. I still couldn't help letting my mind wander to what the future would bring.


We were flying back to the States today. Zack was coming with us, seeing as they were still writing. Dad was going on a mini tour with pop up shows to promote the new album called Pray For The Wicked. He was allowing me to sing a few songs, too. As we boarded the flight, I smiled at Zack and entwined our fingers between us while resting my other hand on Jasey's back. She was laying against my chest.

I hugged Alex, Jack, Josh, Oli, and Rian goodbye before boarding with Tyler, Josh, Dad, Nicole, Mom, Dan, Mike, Zack, and Zack Hall. I lifted Jasey's hand and waved them goodbye, making Jasey giggle. As our plane shot into the air, Jasey began crying. "Dammit, where's her binky and blanket?"I mumbled under my breath as I panicked. We never left without them. It's something she always has and something I keep extra of. Zack caught my mumbles and stopped my hands from digging through the diaper bag.

He gently reached for Jasey. He took her and cradled her in his arms. Gently, he sang to her. It took me a minute to recognize it until I realized it was Jasey Rae. I froze watching as he got her calm before searching for her blanket and binky. I found both laying on a back shelf with my suitcase. I sighed and reached up to grab it before returning to Zack and my daughter. Jasey was sleeping contentedly in his arms. I fell asleep a few hours later, listening to the quiet talk around me, on Zack's shoulder.


The first week of shows went amazingly well. Mom flew home with Maddie. Zack often kept Jasey so I could go out on stage. I honestly really missed him. We felt like a family now, I could see our family. I didn't want to hope that this would be more. After all, the future holds things that we can't predict. I sighed watching Zack sleep on the couch with Jasey also on his chest. It was hard to believe she was almost two months old.

I sighed. The bus made an unexpected stop. Dad, Mike, and Nicole were making their way out from the back lounge. Dan was still in his bunk, probably facetiming Maya. I raised an eyebrow at him. "Any idea what's going on?"I asked. He shook his head no. I heard a knock on the bus door. My eyes grew wide. "Well, anyone gonna get that?"I asked. They shook their heads no. I decided to be brave and cautiously opened it.

I was tackled by an overexcited man child, known as Jack Barakat. "Oh, Ryleigh, I've missed you!"he said as he hugged me. If he hadn't hugged me so tightly, I would have fallen. Alex and Rian were right behind him. I embraced Alex tightly but much more calmly than Jack did me. He just held me in his arms a few minutes before I hugged Rian and the bus moved again. "So, what brings you guys out here?"I asked as I sat back down. "We came to visit for a week before we head home then start prepping for a new album,"Alex said. 

Zack and Jasey woke up then. I took my daughter into my arms, needing to feed her. I had her bottle almost ready. Zack greeted the guys before heading off to shower. We had another hour till we reached the venue then an hour of sound check. We had time for dinner and then we would go on. 


People were filing into the small venue. We were backstage in a little dressing area. Jasey was really fussy. Her favorite blanket was on the bus. I decided I would go get it so maybe she would nap. I passed her to Alex and made my way down the hall to the door that led outside where the bus was parked. Zack, Jack, and Rian were with Alex.

It was dark out. The only lighting was from the few lights in the parking lot. I shivered as a cold breeze went through me. It was a little chilly and I was in my dress for performances. Dad, Nicole, Mike, and Dan were side stage. Zack was probably in front of the stage. My phone was in my hand. Coming out here after dark alone wasn't a good idea. I felt as though someone was with me, that I was being watched. I hurried to the bus, trying to push my anxiety away. "Hey there, honey, did you miss me?"the menacing voice I wished to never hear again asked.

Life Unexpected (The Urie's Daughter Series Book 4)Where stories live. Discover now