How To Live (I)

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I slept till we got to the airport. Matt Flyzik was standing over me and I groaned at the bright light. "What the hell?"he yelled. He looked seriously pissed off. "Wha---?"I asked. "You know what. I told you I would handle it but no, you had to take matters into your hands. I saw your tweet first thing when I woke up. Do you know what you did? The damage you caused!"Flyzik continued yelling at me as I sat up. I'd slept on the tiny lounge couch.

"Flyzik, that's enough!"Alex's voice cut in over his. Matt turned to face him. Before Matt could speak, Alex did. "What's done is done. You can't change it. However, it isn't all bad. In fact, Zack did a pretty good job fixing things even if he shouldn't have done it,"Alex said, meeting my eyes. I looked at the floor. Matt stormed off the bus. "We'll talk later. Grab your stuff. We're at the airport,"Alex said and he left, too.


My phone buzzed sometime after four. I hadn't been asleep long. Nicole and I were in the back lounge. She was still asleep on the other couch. We stayed up talking and watching a movie. I saw a tweet from Zack. I was really confused. I just recently got a Twitter and didn't realize I was getting notifications from him. We were at the airport, getting on the private jet. I couldn't get his words out of my head.

"To the girl I loved before, I'm sorry,"he wrote. What the hell did he mean? Was it directed at me? Nicole had seen it, too. We were so confused. Yet, I didn't reach out to him. I wanted to put it far behind me and I'm so over relationships now. Guys are assholes more often than not. Why put myself through the pain of heartbreak?


One week later

We've been home for a week. I was so jetlagged the first couple of days I did nothing but sleep. Mom looked ready to pop, her belly was so big. I was filled with an uncontainable excitement that I'd be meeting my sibling soon. Here it was eleven o'clock and I was still awake. I had a few weeks until school started again. It wasn't long before I drifted to sleep with Josh's voice singing in my ears. It was nearing two when I woke up to yelling. Keeping my eyes half closed, I stumbled to the door and pulled it open.

"Ryleigh! We have to go!"Dad yelled excitedly and panicky all at once. "Wha--?"I went to ask sleepily. "Ahhhh!"Mom cried in pain. Things weren't registering in my brain. I didn't know what was happening. I tossed flip flops on, grabbed earbuds and my phone with a portable charger. "Sarah went into labor! Her water just broke!"Dad yelled to someone, probably on the phone as mom screamed out in agony again. It was starting to sink in. I hurried downstairs where dad was grabbing the bag we already packed for this and we rushed to the car.

Mom sat in the back with me. I was squished in the middle next to the baby's carseat. Mom was squeezing my hand so hard, her nails digging in. I held in my gasp of pain, she didn't realize it. I knew I'd have marks and a bruise later but it wasn't intentional. Her pain was probably so much worse. Death of A Bachelor started blasting through the Tesla speakers as we sped towards the hospital.

A nurse brought a wheelchair out and they hurried with mom down the hallway. We were following close behind them. They offered for me to go in the room but I chose not to. "Wait, Dad, is it gonna be okay? I mean, it's a few weeks too early,"I said with wide eyes. "It's gonna be okay. They could've had her due date off a few weeks, I doubt it's too soon,"Dad reassured me. We heard mom cry out again and dad winced. "You sure you've got this?"I asked. He nodded. "Pete is on his way to sit with you. I better get in there,"he said. I nodded.

I started to walk down the hall. I wandered up and down. At one point, I even ended up in the cafeteria that smelt of hospital food. The smell of disinfectant lingered. I bought myself a large tea and continued walking around. I found Pete pacing the waiting room upstairs. He seemed more stressed than dad was and he's been through this before. "Woah, Pete-za, chill out!"I said. "Thank God! I was worried. You weren't here when I arrived and you didn't answer your phone,"he said, hugging me.

"I didn't get the notification. I went to the cafeteria,"I said. I pulled my phone out and sure enough I had a dozen notifications from Pete. Among others was family texting me to see if the baby was here yet. I replied to them then sat. AltPress and TMZ were ready. An article and photo of us was posted twenty five minutes ago. I rolled my eyes. This is personal business, can't they wait a few days?

It was hours later when dad finally came out. He had a huge smile on his face. I stood up, Pete following me and putting his phone away. "Well, are you ready to meet your sister?"Dad asked. "It's a girl?"I asked excitedly with a smile adorning my face. Dad nodded. I hugged him tightly. He led Pete and I down the hall. Things were peaceful now. Mom looked exhausted but in her arms she held a little pink bundle.

Dad went to Mom and took the tiny bundle from her arms. She offered me a tired smile. "Ryleigh, meet your little sister, Madelyn Marie Urie, born at 1:15 pm on August 24th,"Dad whispered as he placed the little bundle in my arms. I was sitting in one of those faux leather couches next to Pete. "Congrats, man!"Pete said as he hugged dad.

"Hi there, Maddie, it's your big sister, Ryleigh. Welcome to the world, little one! I have so much to teach you,"I whispered to the baby in my arms with a smile on my face. She reached a tiny fist out and wrapped her small hand around my finger as she yawned then opened her big blue eyes. She smiled at me. Before long, Dad placed her in Mom's arms and we crowded around, letting Pete take a picture of us.

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