Where Did The Party Go?

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Dad stayed to watch the show. I was still feeling kind of down and anxious but I was better than I was. I sent a smile dad's way as we played our last song. We hugged goodbye afterwards. "Hey, Oli, can you tell the fans I'm not feeling well?"I pleaded. "Yeah. If you don't feel up to a meet and greet, that's fine. Are you gonna be okay here?"Oli asked. I nodded.

The bus door shut and I was all alone with Bailey and my thoughts. My ringing phone pulled me out of my thoughts. It was a FaceTime call from Alex. I hadn't heard from them as often lately. They had their own album and tour to worry about, not some seventeen year old girl with a ton of issues. Bailey nuzzled my hand. I sighed and put on a smile as I answered it.

Alex: Ryleigh!

Ryleigh: Hey, Alex! What's up?

Jack: You're talking to Ryleigh?

I heard Jack yell and someone slide into a table with a groan. Jack suddenly appeared next to Alex. They seemed to argue momentarily before Jack huffed and went to a different room.

Alex: Sorry. He's so hyper. As if you couldn't tell, we're on a tour bus. We just played a show. You Me At Six is sharing the bus with us so they're all in the back room.

Alex flipped the camera to show me the bus.

Alex: How've you been?

Ryleigh: I've been okay. I broke up with Adam today and I'm on tour with Bring Me The Horizon. Dad got me a puppy.

I held Bailey up to the camera.

Alex: I'm sorry about you and Adam.

Ryleigh: Don't be. I knew it was coming. I was scared to talk to him after he got so aggressive with Zack.

We continued talking for awhile. Oli texted me that they were bringing pizza back to the bus so I hung up the phone. I stared blankly at it for awhile before I got my Beats out and turned on music. I ate pizza with the guys. I didn't really contribute to the conversation and I went to bed immediately after.


Time skip: Three Days Before Josh and Debby's wedding

I hugged Oli one more time. They had a couple more shows to finish without me but the album was almost complete. My breakup with Adam inspired many songs on the album. A breakup is often a songwriter's gold. We took the less traditional route. It wasn't sappy. Instead, it focused on different aspects including abusive relationships. The single, Medicine, released next week.

"I'll see you soon!"Oli promised as he hugged me tightly then pressed one of his hoodies into my arms. I kept stealing one anyways so he just gave me one. I couldn't help it. They were so big and comfortable on my small frame. Oli was skinny as well but he ordered them larger. He smelled like fresh laundry detergent. I hugged him tightly, afraid to let go. I had hugged the other guys and said my goodbyes to them on the bus. Sleeping With Sirens even came over to say goodbye. Oli accompanied me to the airport. My flight was called again and I knew it was time.

I waved and handed the lady my ticket before boarding. I had their numbers, I could call them whenever. I found my seat. I always had a window seat, I made sure of it. There was a male sitting in my seat. His hair was the right mix of long and short. "Excuse me, sir, I think you're in my seat,"I said as nicely as possible. He looked at me, his eyes were the most gorgeous I've seen asides from Zack's.

"My apologies. They refused to tell me that someone was in the window seat,"he said, standing up and sitting in the middle one. His accent, I noticed, was slightly British. It reminded me of Oli's. Tears welled in my eyes at the thought of saying goodbye to one of my best friends. I took my seat and began pulled out my phone and earbuds. I had intended to sleep so jetlag doesn't totally kick my ass when we land in Columbus.

"Are you okay?"the guy asked. "Yeah, just saying goodbye to one of my best friends this morning. It never gets any easier, ya know?"I said. I intended for that to be the end of our conversation. "I know. I'm actually on my way to greet my friends now,"he said. My awkward ass didn't know how to respond to that.

"I guess I should introduce myself. I'm Josh Franceschi,"he said. He extended a hand to me. I took it. "Ryleigh Urie,"I said. "That's why you looked familiar,"he said. I looked confused, I didn't take him as a fan. "Ahh, let me explain. I promise I'm not a creep. I'm in the band You Me At Six,"he explained when he saw my confused face. "Oh, it's nice to meet you. I adore your music,"I said.

"You too. Oli had sent me a video of you guys performing for Warped. That was wild. You helped write their album. That's crazy. You're, what? Seventeen,"he said. I nodded.
"Have you ever thought about starting a YouTube channel and posting your own?"he asked. I shrugged. I thought about it, I just never did it. I didn't think people liked me that much.

"You should seriously consider it. You have real talent, you could go somewhere with this,"he said. "Thanks,"I said. It was quiet a few moments, neither of us sure what to say. I shoved an earbud in one ear. What a coincidence that Room To Breathe came on as I sat next to the singer.

"Mind if I listen in?"he asked. I shrugged and passed him the other earbud. He smiled and started singing along. Damn, that boy could sing well. Before I knew it, my eyes were closed and I was singing with him. We were thousand of miles above the earth with a select few on our airplane. We had been strangers but we weren't anymore. I think I wanted to know him better.

I opened my eyes when people started cheering and clapping. I hadn't meant to draw attention to myself. A few cell phones were up, recording the whole thing. Josh pulled me up and we took a bow, causing me to laugh and smile. All eyes were on us. Josh thanked them and we sat back down, listening to my playlist.

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