Wonderful Life

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"Shh! Don't wake them!"someone whispered. I heard several clicks of a camera with a flash on. I cuddled up and then I panicked. Who was I curled into and who the hell was taking photos? I peeked my eyes open. It was Oli. That meant the guys were probably taking pictures. I let out a sigh and flicked them off as the camera continued clicking then forced my eyes open. My movement and the guys' noise must've woke him. They were crowded around us whispering. The guys all laughed.

"So, how much fun did you guys have last night?"Matt asked with a wink. Oli's mouth opened and closed while I blushed red. "Ooh, y'all got into it!"Jordan said. He and Lee laughed. "Oh, for fuck's sake,"Oli mumbled. "Oh, fuck off! Nothing happened!"I said. "Suuurrree!"Jordan and Lee said together. "Watch your backs! I know where you sleep!"I said with a glare. The guys cowered back. Oli and I laughed at how scared they were of me.

The guys pouted. "What was the point in waking us up at,"I said and took a moment to check the time,"seven in the morning?" Jordan and Lee shrugged. I sighed and slowly stood up. I stretched with my hands over my head, feeling every bone pop. Oli, Lee, and Jordan made a disgusted face at the sound. I started searching the cabinets for food. Finding a box of Lucky Charms among their low food supply, I grabbed a bowl and half gallon of milk from the mini fridge before sitting down.

I poured the cereal in then the milk. Lee looked at me like I was an alien and took the cereal from me. He poured in the milk then the cereal. It was my turn to glance at him weirdly. "You were doing it wrong!"Lee accused and shrugged. "You're doing it wrong! That's so weird!"I exclaimed. We kept arguing back and forth until Oli pulled the cereal box away from us both. "Girls, girls, you're both pretty!"he said, sitting beside me. We still had a couple hours on the bus.


I sat on a storage crate backstage. I was so anxious and wanted to cry for some reason. I pulled my knees close, wrapping my arms around them. I kind of wanted to disappear. What if people don't like this? "Hey, you okay?"Oli asked as he hopped up beside me. I shrugged. He put his arm around me. "You're going to be okay. We're okay, okay?"Oli said. I nodded and tried to calm down. My heart was beating out of my chest. "Do you want me to call your dad?"Oli asked. I nodded.

"Oli, what's wrong?"Dad's panicked voice answered as his face appeared on screen. He sighed in relief when he saw me. "Ryleigh, kiddo, what's wrong?"Dad asked. I shrugged. "I dunno,"I whispered. "How about I fly out to visit tomorrow? I have an idea,"he said. I nodded. "Bring Me The Horizon, you're on in five!"a crew member shouted back at us. I slid off Oli's hoodie, leaving it on the crate. I slid in one monitor before going side stage and meeting the others.

Oli hugged me once more before we were called on stage. I just felt this weight on me. Who actually cares? If I say the right thing and act the right way then I'm okay, right? That's bullshit. I tried to stay focused. As soon as we were done, I passed my mic and bass to a crew member before hitting the shower. I slid Oli's hoodie back on and went to my bunk. I popped earbuds in and listened to Forest. Tyler's silky voice always soothed me. I fell asleep quickly after that.

I was greeted by a bright light when my curtain was shoved back. I squinted until my eyes adjusted. "What the hell? Lee, didn't we have this talk yesterday?"I asked angrily, not seeing who was there. "Sorry to disappoint but I'm not Lee,"that familiar voice said. "Dad!"I yelled and rolled out of my bunk to hug him. He ruffled my already messy hair. "You shouldn't sleep with earbuds in, you could choke!"he scolded as he hugged me. "Ryyyyyleeeeiiggghhh!"Lee whined, dragging my name out.

Dad and I laughed. I climbed on the lower bunk and pulled back Lee's curtain. His response was the same. "Now we're even, Malia,"I said. He went to pull the curtain back with his eyes closed and fell the few feet to the floor. He glowered at me and I ran. "Oli, help!"I squealed. He hid me behind the pillows behind him. Lee was quick on my tail as dad followed to see what was happening.

"Where's Ryleigh?"Lee asked. "I dunno. I think she ran outside,"Oli replied nonchalantly, pretending to be interested in looking at his phone. The door opened and closed. I jumped up and locked the door. I opened the window. We were parked in the venue lot. It was about lunchtime.

"No fair, guys!"Lee said. I shrugged and turned around as Lee pouted on the stairs. "So, I wanna take you somewhere. We'll be back for the show if you get dressed and we leave now,"Dad said. "What? Didn't you hear pajamas were the in thing? Don't you think I look adorable?"I asked, messing my hair up further and batting my eyelashes. Oli and Dad laughed.

I ran off to grab clothes and my makeup bag with toiletries. Once I was safely locked in the bathroom, they let Lee back inside. He sighed and I heard him rummage through the cabinets before hearing the crinkle of a wrapper. My PopTarts! I tossed on my shirt and ran out. "Lee, what the hell?"I yelled. He looked guiltily at me before smirking and holding my PopTarts above his head.

"Daaaaadddd!"I whined as I jumped for the PopTarts. Curse this stupid short height! If I wasn't so vertically challenged, I could reach it. I sighed. There were only a couple left anyways. I turned around and slammed the bathroom door shut as I tied my hair into a ponytail and did my makeup. I stepped out and slipped Oli's hoodie on. "Ready?"Dad asked, handing my box of PopTarts to me. I hugged them to my chest, glaring at Lee. He took a moment to look at me and fell over his own tennis shoe. He landed ungracefully on his ass. He flicked me and Oli off as we laughed. The bus door latched behind me as I followed Dad to his rental car.

Life Unexpected (The Urie's Daughter Series Book 4)Where stories live. Discover now