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One month later....

I've been living in my apartment for a month now. I was over at Mom and Dad's everyday. Maddie stayed a few times so that they had a date night. Zack has been really busy with the band. He's coming back tomorrow. I haven't really told him about my place, yet. A large thump at my door caused me to jump. I had just gotten home and it reminded me of the night in Oli's apartment when I was taken.

I took Jasey, Bailey, and the diaper bag with me and hurried into my bathroom in my bedroom, closing and locking both doors without a whisper of a sound. I heard whoever it was messing with the lock. Bailey whimpered. "Sh, Bailey!"I whispered to quiet her. I called Dad and he didn't answer. Josh was the same way. I called Pete praying he would answer. I heard the call connect.

"Ryleigh? What's wrong?"he asked. "I think someone is trying to break into my apartment,"I said. "Stay calm. Is Jasey with you?"he asked. "Yeah,"I breathed as I heard heavy footsteps in the kitchen. "Pete, they're inside,"I added. "I'm on my way. Two more minutes, hang in there,"he said. I barely dared to breathe as I tried to keep Jasey quiet.

I heard running. Pete was here and he brought security up with him. He knocked on my door and I unlocked it. "They got him,"he said and I pulled him into a hug. "You okay?"he asked. I nodded and let him hold me a minute. I grabbed the pack and play, Jasey's bag, my bag, and a few other necessities before getting in my car. Pete followed me to Mom and Dad's. Dad tiredly opened the door and squinted at us.

Pete and I explained what happened before I went upstairs to my old room. I locked the small door lock to my apartment, though I took my valuables with me. We were gonna discuss it tomorrow. For now, I wanted to sleep so I gave Jasey her bottle. Bailey jumped up on my old bed. I pulled out my journal, starting to write as ideas formed in my mind before I finally slept.


"Good morning,"Zack said as he kissed my lips soft and quick. I smiled at him and pulled him into a hug. Jasey stirred awake then so he pulled away to pick her up. "You too, Miss Jasey Rae,"he said tossing her carefully in the air and making her giggle. "Your dad told me you had an apartment. I went there and you weren't there?"Zack questioned as he entertained our daughter.

"It's a long story?"I said as a question. "I have time,"he said, sitting on the edge of my unmade bed with Jasey on his lap. "Someone broke in, it's not a big deal,"I said, refusing to sit down. "What?!?"Zack exclaimed, making Jasey jump. I saw tears welling in her eyes as her lip quivered. I took her in my arms, bouncing up and down. Crisis averted for now. "I told you it's fine. We came here after. Nothing happened, it all worked out. Just someone broke in and was looking around,"I said. "That's not fine. It might not work out that way next time and people obviously must know where you live,"Zack said.

"What do you want me to do?"I yelled at him, angry that this man never stopped driving me crazy. I loved him sure but that doesn't give him a right to boss me around. My daughter got teary eyed again so Zack took her. "Calm down. Just move out of there,"he said, calmer than I was. I crossed my arms over my chest and glared at him. My daughter rested her head on his chest. "Why should I? It's my place. Where would we go? Move back in here. You don't get that decision,"I seethed. "Move in with me,"he yelled at me. We both stared at each other in shock. I passed Jasey a toy and sat her on my bed.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to overstep, it's just..."Zack trailed off. "Just what?"I asked, arms still crossed. "I love you. I love Jasey. I don't want to think that something like this will happen again and I lose both of you,"Zack said. "I love you, too,"I said. "I have room. Seriously, will you consider it?"he asked, glancing at me. "I'll do it,"I replied. "Wait, you're serious?"he asked. I nodded and he pulled me into a hug.

"When do you wanna pack?"he asked. "I don't know. I need some time. I have to tell Mom and Dad and everyone else,"I said. "I totally understand. They're a big part of your life. After all, if it wasn't for them then we wouldn't have met at all,"Zack said, pecking my lips lightly causing Jasey to giggle.

My stomach grumbled. "Do me a favor?"Zack asked. "What?"I asked. "Get changed. Let's go out and get a family breakfast,"Zack said. I nodded and he walked out of my room with Jasey. I found a plain black, lacy t-shirt that I put on over a pair of ripped up skinny jeans. I wore high top black Converse and tossed my grey and black beanie over my hair which I kept down. It was so long now. The blue faded more to a turquoise color on my tips.

I heard Jasey's giggles as Zack got her dressed. I tossed her diaper bag over my shoulder and made my way downstairs with Zack at my side. I wrote a note to Mom and Dad, leaving it on the counter. We climbed into my car. Zack wanted to drive so I gave him my keys. I Lived by One Republic came in softly through the speakers. I couldn't help but sing along. After all, I did it. I made it. I survived and, right now, living my life could not sound better.

Life was crazy. It had moments of shocking us all whether they be good or bad. I had a daughter and a man who I loved more than they'd ever know. None of it would have happened if it hadn't been for Mom and Dad at the orphanage all those years ago. If you had told me that this is where I'd be then I would have said you were crazy. Zack smiled over at me. "What?"I asked. "You have a beautiful voice that I never get tired of,"he said. I blushed. "What were you thinking about a few minutes ago?"he asked. "I'm just grateful to be alive,"I said, being completely honest.

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