Lived A Lie

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The wedding was beautiful. If possible, Debby looked even more beautiful than before. The look in Josh's eyes when she appeared in the isle made me sure that he would always love this woman with everything in him.

I got a little teary eyed when they did their vows. Mom and Dad were sitting with Breezy and Dallon's kids. I smiled at them. My biological dad and my step mom looked so proud. "You may kiss the bride!"the officiant declared and then it was over.


We made our way to the wedding reception. It was a beautiful set up in a local barn rented out for weddings and such. The photographer took many pictures, my siblings and parents and I were all included in dozens. After those, we walked to the dressing room to change clothes. Jenna was sitting and taking deep breaths in and out. "Jenna, are you sure you're okay?"I asked as I slipped off my dress and changed into black skinny jeans and a band shirt, my trademark. "Yeah, she's just kicking hard today,"Jenna said.

I had trouble believing it. After we changed, we walked back out and took our seats at the head table. Dinner was being served. They had their first dance. I decided I wanted some more tea to drink so I stood to find it. I turned back around and could've swore I saw my rapist on the dance floor watching me. My breathing became unsteady and I blinked, he was gone. I walk off quickly but not quick enough to draw attention to myself.

I went into the dressing room and curled up into a ball against the wall in front of the sink. I couldn't calm myself, my anxiety was full force. I started seeing spots in my vision and I knew I was going to pass out. Tears were pouring down my face. "Ryleigh, are you in here?"Tyler called out as he ran in, not yet seeing me on the floor across from him. I sobbed and hiccupped as I tried to gain control of my breathing.

"Hey, hey, are you okay? What's the matter?"Tyler asked as he slid down the wall beside me and put an arm around my small frame. I turned my face into his chest and breathed in his cologne, trying to calm down. Tyler pulled out his phone when it dinged. I heard him type a response. I heard the door slowly and quietly open.

"Ryleigh, what's wrong?"Dad asked as he shut the door and came rushing over to me. I couldn't quite talk yet. I let dad pull me onto his lap while I leaned on Tyler's shoulder. I was calming down and went to tell them when the door opened again. Ashley looked excited but was also in the middle of freaking out. Tyler was about to ask her what was wrong. "We need to go right now!"she said before Tyler could get a word out. "What? Why?"he asked as he stood and reached a hand down to pull me up. "Jenna's water just broke!"she exclaimed and ran back out. Tyler took a moment to look surprised before we all went running after her.


We found Jenna sitting in a chair, breathing in and out as she held her stomach and gripped Josh's hand with an iron grip. Tyler ran to her as Jenna cried out in pain again. Josh stood on one side while Tyler took the other and they helped Jenna stand. She held tightly to their arms, her nails digging in and leaving marks as they walked to the car. Mom, Dad, Debby, Dallon, Abi, and Jordan were riding in a car. My biological father and step mom were riding in another car with Tyler's parents.

I climbed in the passenger seat next to Josh while Tyler sat with Jenna in the backseat. This has certainly been a turn of events. I ran inside to get a nurse who brought out a wheelchair. We all followed her to that floor and we were directed to a waiting room. We couldn't all be in there, after all. Jenna's mom and Tyler's mom went in along with Josh and Tyler. The rest of us could do nothing but wait.


I sat there on my phone and occasionally staring at the clock. We've been here for hours. I've taken a few trips to the cafeteria and up and down hallways. I've had a few coffees. I wanted to know what was happening in there. Did it normally take this long? Suddenly, Josh appeared with a huge smile on his face. I stood up. "Hey, Ryleigh, if you'd want to follow me,"Josh said. I walked over to him and slipped an arm around my brother.

We stepped inside of a room. Jenna looked exhausted. Tyler sat in a rocking chair. In his arms was a bundle in a blanket. Tyler looked up and smiled at me. I saw tears glistening in his eyes. "Hey, Ryleigh,"Tyler said. "Hey,"I choked out more nervous than I had been in my life. I had never been this nervous with Tyler, Jenna, and Josh. "I want you to meet William Carter Joseph born at 11:56 pm. He's also know as Will,"Tyler said as he stood and gestured for me to sit.

I took a seat. "Would you like to hold him?"he asked. "Sure,"I mumbled. I was terrified I would hurt him. He was so tiny in Tyler's arms but I knew with my baby sibling on the way that I should get some practice. Tyler sat him gently in my arms.

I went to move the blanket back some when Will reached his arm out and grabbed my finger with his tiny fist. He let out a yawn and blinked his eyes at me before they fell closed. He was so quiet for a newborn. I had heard of those that cried for hours with no end in sight. "Hey, there, Will. You have so many people that already love you. You're perfect,"I whispered to the tiny baby in my arms. I stayed for a long while before I decided to give someone else a turn. I returned to the waiting room where I fell asleep in a chair with my legs tucked to my chest.

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