Jasey Rae

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The pain medicine kicked in. I couldn't feel the pain any longer. The epidural hurt my spine but quickly faded. I was grateful I wasn't drugged up and loopy. My doctor was in and out every couple hours. I had the death grip on Dad's hand. He swore he didn't mind but every so often he and Josh would trade places. I was a bassist, I had an iron grip after all. Mom sat on my other side.

When my doctor came in again, I could tell by her face something was wrong. "What's wrong?"I asked when she didn't say anything. "We're going to have to do a C-section. If you don't, your baby isn't gonna make it,"she said and then she was gone to find others. Some nurses came in and began to prep me. They were wheeling me away when I started crying and yelling for one of them to come with me. Dad appeared at my side. I held onto his hand. "Dad, I'm scared,"I said. "I know but it's gonna be okay,"he said.

They had Dad get changed while they moved me into the operating room. I was still awake but a curtain prevented my view. I was drugged up enough that I couldn't feel anything below my chest. I held tight to dad's hand while he hummed softly to me. I didn't get to see her right away. They pulled her away. "What? What's wrong?"I started worrying, lifting my head up. I couldn't move and tears began running down my face.

"Ms. Urie, you need to calm down,"the doctor above my head said. They were monitoring the drugs they were giving me and my vital signs. "Dad, what's happening?"I whimpered. "I'll go see, okay?"he said and walked away. I could hear their murmuring. "She won't breathe,"I heard the nurse try to whisper to dad and stared at the bright ceiling fluorescents while I tried not to cry. I can't go on if something happens to her.

Dad reappeared at my side and, finally, a nurse appeared. She held a tiny bundle wrapped in a pink blanket. A clear tube ran from a mask over my baby's nose to the tiny tank in a bag over the nurse's shoulder. I was able to hold her briefly. "What are you going to name her?"the nurse asked through her mask. I smiled at my baby. "Jasey. Jasey Rae Urie,"I said. I had struggled with what her last name should be. I had two, Dun and Urie. Her father's last name was obviously out of the question.

She'd be on oxygen for a few days and, while that happened, we would have to remain in the hospital. There wasn't a doubt in my mind of who the father was, but I wanted to make sure and have proof in case Zack and I ever had an encounter. I had them run a DNA test. Once I wasn't as loopy, they removed my oxygen tubes from my nose. I was lucky that Jasey was allowed to be in my room.

I was allowed to hold her freely now. My body ached from the surgery, the pain was starting to hit me. As soon as Dad placed her in my arms, I knew it was worth it. I could never let her go. "Hi, baby girl, I'm your Mom. I love you so much and I'm gonna give you the world,"I whispered to her. She took my finger in her tiny hand and yawned as her blue eyes looked at me, taking in my words.

Dad caught the moment on camera. After awhile, we let my siblings and Dallon into my room. Mom went to get Maddie from my siblings and was going to come back tomorrow. Dallon had stayed in the waiting room to help with Maddie and make sure I was okay when we got here. They were taking turns holding Jasey and talking to both of us. Dad, Ashley, and Josh were going to stay with me overnight. I was so tired but Dad passed me my phone. I opened Instagram and selected a photo of Jasey then one of us both.

@ryleighdunurie: I'm so excited to welcome Jasey Rae Urie into this world on June 27 at 7:32 pm. Motherhood is such a beautiful thing, especially knowing I'm responsible for the little life I just brought into this world. I ask that you respect our privacy as we find out how to tackle this world together. xoxo Ryleigh

Comments and likes rolled in. I responded to a few, including messaging Alex, Nicole, Mike, Oli, and Josh from YMAS. Dad talked to Spencer and Dan. I knew Zack had seen it and I hoped he didn't see how much Jasey resembled him. Honestly, she was the perfect mix of me and him. I finally let myself drift off to sleep as everyone but Dad, Ashley, and Josh left. Ashley had Jasey in her arms, sitting in the rocking chair by the baby bed. Josh took the visitors chair and Dad the pull out couch.


Ryleigh was pregnant. I knew that much. I didn't know who the father was. She finally had the baby though. I thought it was strange how the baby looked slightly similar to me. I shook that thought off and pulled out my spiral notebook. I missed Ryleigh so much. Her laugh and smile was so beautiful, I wished she would see it. I knew she would be a great mother but since she has a baby, there is probably a guy involved so I should keep my distance.

Why screw up her life? I couldn't hear her painful words again. I started writing out my pain and frustration. I wished I could go see her but I better leave well enough alone. The guys came by a few separate times today to remind me we had band practice. They left their instruments. They invited me to lunch but I declined. I'd rather get some writing in for the new album. I picked up my acoustic.

They would bring food with them probably. I sipped my beer. I looked over what I wrote and started changing things. I couldn't use Ryleigh's name. We were on two separate coasts and there are dozens of Jaseys. Plus, I've had one night stands. No one could tie her to me.

Lights out
I still hear the rain
These images that fill my head
Now keep my fingers from making mistakes
Tell my voice what it takes
To speak up
Speak up
And keep my conscience clean when I wake

Don't make this easy
I want you to mean it
Jasey (say you'll mean it)
You're dressed to kill
I'm calling you out (don't waste your time on me)

Now there's an aching in my back;
A stabbing pain that says I lack
The common sense and confidence
To bring an end to promises
That I make in times of desperate conversation
Hoping my night could be better than theirs in the end
Just say when

I've never told a lie
And that makes me a liar
I've never made a bet, but we gamble with desire
I've never lit a match with intent to start a fire
But recently the flames are getting out of control

Call me a name
Kill me with words
Forget about me
It's what I deserve
I was your chance
To get out of this town
But I ditched the car and left you to

Wait outside
I hope the air will serve to remind you
That my heart is as cold as the clouds of your breath
And my words are as timed as the beating in my chest

I knew I had to show it to the guys. Maybe I'd tell them the truth but for interviews we could always concoct a story. I needed to write this. I had the melody and music planned in my head. As soon as Alex appeared at my shoulder, I looked at him. "What do you have?"He asked. "A song for the record,"I said, passing him my notebook. He smiled faintly then handed it back to me before telling me to grab my bass and we headed to the basement studio in my house.

A/N: Hey y'all! This chapter was a bit longer than normal. I wanted things to make sense with the title. I had this name picked out long before I heard this song then I had this idea. So you've met Jasey Rae. What do you think? Will Zack find out? Did Alex figure it out? Will he tell? Leave me a comment and let me know. Much love!


Life Unexpected (The Urie's Daughter Series Book 4)Where stories live. Discover now