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I was momentarily blinded by the lights as I heard the crowd's roaring cheers. Josh smiled and came over. He grabbed my hand and led me over where a crew member handed me a microphone. "You ready for this?"Josh whispered so the mic didn't catch it. I nodded. This couldn't be any different from performing with Dad.

The guitar began and the song began. "I feel a little lost in this world. I try a little noise and choke. I've honestly never felt this alone. Oh, I just need someone,"Josh sang. I sucked in deep breath. "I need a little room to breathe. You're making this hard for me. When all I need is to be set free,"I sang. "I need a little time to think. And if you ever will love me. Then all I need is a little room to breathe,"Josh and I sang together.

I closed my eyes as I got more into the song. I walked back and forth across the stage, I danced and jumped up and down. I put my heart into that song. As we sang the last line, I opened my eyes and saw Zack walking away backstage. I frowned but quickly smiled at the crowd. I watched the rest of their set then we were up. I slung my bass around my shoulders and followed Nicole out. We started the intro to Don't Threaten Me With A Good Time.

The show was one of the best I had played in a long time. Josh joined us for I Write Sins. We all danced around like nothing mattered. The cold air didn't affect me, neither did the rain that poured halfway into our set. Josh still slid his hoodie off to give to me. The crowd awed us. The adrenaline was racing through my veins and I hadn't felt this alive in a long time.


I didn't know why I did that. She just looked so beautiful. I hadn't gotten her out of my head. None of the other girls lasted longer than a month and they were barely a distraction. Ryleigh was stuck in my head. I couldn't get her out. Yet, I fucked it all up again. When she ran off, I knew she was crying because of me. Again. I was such a fucking prick. I know Alex and the guys were getting fed up with my shit.

Andrea walked into our area backstage. The guys were all out doing something else. "Hey, babe,"she said as she kissed my neck and cuddled into my side. "Andrea, stop!"I said. I wasn't in the mood. "Why? You've never asked me to stop before,"she pouted, biting her lip, and batted her eyelashes. "We need to talk!"I blurted. "About what?"she tensed and sat up. "This, us, isn't working out,"I said frustrated as I stood. Her tears were welling.

"What do you mean?"she asked. "We're through. Please pack your bag. I can't do this anymore,"I said and walked away. I heard her tears behind me. "You'll regret this! You're a fucking prick!"she screamed. I knew where I was going. I had to find Ryleigh. I got to sidestage and didn't see anyone but crew. A familiar voice broke out through the speakers. I heard it clear as day above the crowd's cheers.

Ryleigh was standing in front of me, gorgeous like always in her black stage dress. I stood watching her and Josh perform Room To Breathe. Her emotion was spread across her face. My chest ached. I saw the glances he gave her. I was too late. She looked at me on the last line. I turned and walked away. I could feel her eyes on me the whole way.

"We need to talk!"Rian said as he grabbed my shoulder. I had just climbed onto our bus. "Not right now, Rian!"I said angrily, tears blurring my vision. "Zack, you need to sit down!"Alex demanded. "What? Is this some sort of intervention?"I asked. Jack looked guilty and sad as he looked at the floor. I sat down, beyond furious. "Your behavior can't continue like this. It's fucked up and Andrea did a number online. Flyzik is on press control right now to save all of our asses. Care to explain?"Alex said, just as angry. I gritted my teeth.

"I broke up with her!"I said through gritted teeth. "Why? Is your monthly through? Time for another girl?"he yelled. I stood up, sick of the bullshit. I knew I was a shitty person but I didn't need him telling that to my face. I balled my fists. "BECAUSE I STILL LOVE RYLEIGH!"I shouted.

They fell silent. Alex crossed his arms. I know they must've talked earlier but this intervention has been coming for awhile. We've been a ticking time bomb ready to explode. "If you love her so much then why would you hurt her again? I can see it in her eyes when she FaceTimed Alex and I, she can't take much more,"Jack said softly. He just spoke up. I was shocked. Jack wasn't known for being quiet or serious.

"Because I fucked up, okay? I'm a fuckup who can't stop fucking up and hurting the one I love the most,"I said. We were silently staring at each other. "Is it too late to fix things?"I asked. "I dunno. You'd have to take it up with her but I would wait awhile until you're done screwing around with other girls and she isn't as hurt from what happened today,"Alex said. I put my face in my hands. "Then when?"I asked, looking up once more. "She'll be at mine and Lisa's wedding. Try not to fuck it up then,"Alex said and stalked off to the bunk area.

Rian squeezed my shoulder and Jack stood to hug me. I didn't sleep that night. I stayed up all night, wishing she was talking to me like we used to. Worse yet, some of the comments were nasty. Andrea did me dirty. My phone was pulled from my hands. It was after four in the morning. Our flight was in a few hours. I glanced up. "What the hell?"I asked. "You need to sleep, Zack. These comments are full of shit. You shouldn't be reading these. Stop beating yourself up. I'm taking care of it, okay?"Flyzik said. I nodded wearily. "Get some rest,"he said and handed me my phone. I decided to tweet.

@zacharymerrick: To all my fans, I know I screwed up. I'm asking for another chance. I've seen your comments. You haven't heard the whole story but Andrea and I broke up. I need time to think. To the girl I loved before, I'm sorry. I love you all and have a great day!

Then I turned my phone and the notifications off so I could get some sleep.

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