We Like It Loud

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Their bus was amazing. The bunk area was surprisingly neat, well, for the most. "Well, welcome to your home for the next couple months. What do you think?"A voice asked behind me. I startled. It didn't sound like Oli, Jordan, Matt, Mat, or Lee. I turned around. "KELLIN!"I shouted and ran to him. He opened his arms and I hugged him.

"How've you been, Ryles? I was so shocked when the guys said you were coming, too! This is gonna be great!"he said. "I've been okay. I'm so jetlagged now though. It's great seeing y'all!"I replied. He released me and we talked a few minutes more before the guys finally climbed on and Kellin ran off to be with his own band.

After we were on the road a bit, Oli shut off his phone and looked at me. "Okay, so first order of business,"He started serious then we all burst out laughing at how formal he was being. "Anyways, we need to figure out what we're playing and how we're going to do that,"Oli finally got out. We all nodded and started planning out the show. I'd mostly be singing and playing a little electric guitar.

We goofed around awhile with the spare instruments on the bus. They taught me the chords I needed. "Woah! What're you playing?"Oli asked awhile later. He was coming back from the bunk area. I kept noodling around while they napped. I shrugged. "I dunno. I made it up,"I said and continued focusing. Oli began watching me and wrote down what I was doing. He started humming and writing some more.

He started singing and I closed my eyes joining in. He stopped to change a lyric and that's how a song came to be. The other guys appeared. Matt let out a yawn. "What are you guys up to?"Lee asked. "We have another song for the album,"Oli announced. The guys were suddenly intrigued. They took seats around us as Oli nodded to me and we started to sing. We got to the chorus, one of my favorite parts asides from the guitar part I wrote. I belted it out, eyes closed again.

"'Lone, getting high on a Saturday night
I'm on the edge of a knife
Nobody cares if I'm dead or alive
Oh, what a wonderful life"

The guys looked at us in awe and shock. "You wrote this in a couple hours?"Jordan asked skeptical. I nodded. "Let's do it!"Matt said excitedly. They scrambled to grab instruments and slowly all of the parts came together. One of their crew came on with one of their ear monitor kits. I was going to be fitted for a new pair of in ear monitors. They put the molds in my ears and waited until they were set to get mine ready before tonight.

We were about to go get dinner when Lee yelled out. "Are we going to play it tonight?"he asked. Oli shrugged and continued walking. He turned back to look at Lee. "Depends if y'all want to,"Oli said. The guys shrugged and nodded in agreement.


"Bring Me The Horizon, you're on in 5!"a crew member yelled at us. I quickly shoved my in ear monitors in. I adjusted my bass strap. I was playing bass for a couple of songs, too. It was my comfort thing, you know? This was new to me and there was a sea of people out there. I let out a deep breath. Oli put his hand on my shoulder. "You ready for this?"He asked. I nodded. I had never been more ready. The anticipation was so strong.

The stage lights went out. Screaming and cheering was heard as we made our way on stage. The lights slowly came up as we started Drown. It was our first song. People went crazy. We sounded good. I jumped and danced around. After the first couple songs, Oli took out one monitor and spoke to the crowd. "So, y'all are probably wondering who the chick playing bass and guitar and jumping around is?"he said. The crowd screamed.

"This is the wonderful Ryleigh Urie! She's joining us this tour to help with the new album. We have one song done, would you like to hear it?"he asked while I smiled and waved. I even high fived a few people in front of the stage. More screaming erupted. "Hit it, Lee and Ryleigh!"Oli shouted and we harmonized the solo I wrote.

Oli screamed and we launched into Wonderful Life. My brain must be wired backwards. When people think emo, they think oh, they're depressed they should stop listening to "emo" music. Well, I'm the opposite. When I'm down, that music lifts me up because I realize I'm not alone and someone out there understands how I feel. I dance around and go up to a microphone singing and screaming along with Oli. The lyrics were on screen behind us. "SING IT, NEW JERSEY!"Oli yelled. They were loud as fuck, just as I like it.

It was a new sort of feeling and adrenaline rushing through me, hearing them yell the lyrics back at me. "We're Bring Me The Horizon! Goodnight!"Oli yelled and with a final wave and smile from me, the lights went down. We exited the stage and I pulled my ear monitors out so I could hear. "Holy fuck! That was fucking awesome!"Oli said, hugging me after I passed my guitar to a crew member.

"How do you feel?"he asked. I shrugged and I saw an unknown look overcome his features. It was more like a concerned frown. "I feel amazing! That was something I've never felt before. Also, hunger,"I said. "Hunger?"Oli asked, trying to hold back a laugh as the other guys came up to hug me. "Yeah, you know the thing where your body wants food?"I asked in reply and he cracked up.

Lee went to hug me and I pushed his shoulders back. They all gave me a confused look. "Not till after you shower. You're sweaty and stinky!"I exclaimed. Oli and Jordan lost their shit. Matt patted Lee's shoulder as Mat tried to keep his laughter in. I let my guard down and Lee wrapped me in his arms. I hadn't felt this good in awhile. We all stayed up till early morning. We needed sleep, yeah, but the adrenaline wouldn't let us until it finally left us drained. I fell asleep on the couch, cuddled into Oli's chest.

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