Fresh Start Fever

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I saw everyone often. They made sure to stop by to check on me. Adam's death still hit me hard. It's been almost 6 months to the day. My favorite Brits stopped in often. Josh from YMAS and Oli were in town recording new records with their bands. Jordan, Abi, Ashley, and Josh came to visit. Jordan, Abi, and Ashley were staying in Josh and Debby's apartment until I have the baby. I was getting close since we were almost at the end of June. I had a bag packed by the front door.

I couldn't wait for a fresh start. I wanted to meet my little girl and give her all the love in the world. I was huge and it was so hard to get comfortable. I talked to Alex sometimes but it wasn't as often now. I haven't spoken to Zack in months. I wasn't going to lie and say I didn't miss him because I did. Every day I wished he was here.

I did the birthing classes I was supposed to. My step mom and birth dad were flying in the day after I have the baby since hotels are expensive and there isn't enough room for everyone at Josh and Debby's. Our house was getting pretty full.

Mom and Dad were going to be in the room along with Josh when I go into labor. "Hey, Ryleigh, can we talk a minute?"Dad asked as he saw me making my way down the stairs. "Yeah, sure. What's up?"I asked. "So, remember that day I signed papers in New York? I did an audition and I have the part. I'm going to be Charlie Price in Kinky Boots,"he broke the news slowly and deliberately. I could see him judging my emotions and gauging how I was taking it.

"No way! That's so cool. When do you leave?"I asked. "That's the thing. I have to leave in August. I'm about to go to meet someone else to sign more forms. Mom took Maddie out to the park for a bit. You gonna be okay?"he asked. "Yeah,"I said, drawing a sharp breath and wincing in pain. "You sure? What was that?"he asked, reaching for me. "I'm positive. It was just a hard kick,"I said with a convincing smile that I hoped convinced him because I wasn't so convinced.

He kissed my forehead, grabbed a folder and his keys then left. I heard the car leave the doorway. I wanted food so I started to wander to the kitchen when a pain much worse than before doubled me over. "Ow, fuck! What the hell?"I yelled, holding my stomach. It let up and I continued to the kitchen. I ate a yogurt then found myself in pain again. It didn't quite register what was happening or why it hurt.

"Ah! Fuck!"I screamed as the pain continued. It was then I noticed the puddle on the floor and how the area between my legs was soaked. My water broke. I was going into labor. I was all alone. I tried not to panic as I tried to think of what I should do. I was trying to find my phone when I realized I left it upstairs. The ringing doorbell was my saving grace. I waited for the pain to let up to try to walk towards it.

"Ryleigh, are you okay? Your dad sent me over to stay with you just as a precaution. Can you unlock the door to let me in?"Dallon's voice yelled through the door. I managed to get to the door, panting and unlocked it. He opened the door and took in my appearance. "Can you go get my phone and take me to the hospital?"I asked, bent over in pain. He cocked his head to look at me but nodded.

"What's going on?"he asked. "My water just broke. We'll call them on the way,"I said. Dallon didn't waste any time running up the stairs. I saw him trip on the top one and he scrambled to get his balance to continue to my room. "You good? It's on my desk,"I yelled. "Yeah, I got it,"he called back, running to the stairs. He grabbed my bag and helped me walk to his car. 

My phone rang twice before dad picked up. "Ryleigh, what's wrong?"he asked. "Head to the hospital. My water broke,"I said. I didn't give him time to respond as I called Josh and Mom. All of them were following my directions. Dad was going to pick Mom up on the way. "Ahh!"I cried out in pain and squeezed the handle on the door tightly. The tips of my fingers were turning white.

I could see how uncomfortable Dallon was in this situation. He has two kids of his own though. He's experienced this before with his wife. He reached his arm over and I grabbed it as the pain hit me again. I could see his clenched jaw and I felt bad since I probably had the death grip on his arm. It hurt so fucking bad. I listened to his playlist coming through the speakers. I tried to loosen my grip but every time I did, the pain struck me again.

When we pulled up to the hospital, Dallon ran inside to grab a nurse and a wheelchair. He hurriedly parked and we met Dad, Mom, Josh, and my siblings on the maternity floor. Dad, Mom and Josh followed the nurse as she pushed my wheelchair into a room and helped me into bed. My siblings were watching Maddie. The nurse started an IV with fluids then went to page my doctor. My doctor walked in with a smile on her face. She greeted us and slipped on gloves before checking me out.

"It's not quite time, yet.  You're about 4 centimeters dilated. There's several more hours left,"she said. "Would you like something for the pain?"she asked. "Yes, please,"I said as I tried to refrain from screaming as another contraction hit me.

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