Killer In The Mirror

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We got home a week ago. Tyler and Josh were over often. No one else really visited which worried me. I was so used to everyone else coming around but they didn't. I guess they were worried about overcrowding me. I had to go back to school tomorrow which only stressed me out more.

I sighed and looked through Instagram. There wasn't much on there. I'd heard from my friends and Adam often over the last few days but they started school again three days ago from spring break so the messages weren't as constant now. I ended up walking out to the studio. I took a seat at the piano.

I took a deep breath, closed my eyes, and started to playing Polaroid by Imagine Dragons. I got lost in the music. I didn't hear Dad come in nor did I hear him start recording it. I startled when he started clapping. "Sorry, I didn't mean to scare you. That was beautiful,"he said. I shrugged. I hadn't talked much since we got home either. I haven't been sleeping well either. I've kept them up with my endless screaming. I missed Zack more than ever. He made me feel safe and I knew it wasn't quite fair to Adam that I wasn't loving him fully. It also wasn't fair to mom and dad to have to get up every night and stay with me for hours until it passed.

Zack had just felt so right, though. I know it was weird but I did regret letting him go. He was the one for me, that I was pretty sure of. "Do you wanna record it?"Dad asked. I shrugged again. He took that as a yes. He grabbed me the headphones and a pair for himself. He pressed record then went to the set to play along with me. I had never sung with so much emotion in my voice. I was crying by the time we were done. Dad hugged me and let me cry it out.

I made my way back inside and grabbed my sketchbook before starting to draw. Hours later, my phone buzzed. Dad had edited it and put it out for people to listen to. It freaked me out but, in all honesty, how much worse could it get. I plugged my earbuds in and listened to it. Dad wasn't wrong. There was a certain raw edge to it that I hadn't heard before and it was kind of beautiful. I fell asleep with my earbuds in.

I wish I could say that I slept peacefully but that was far from the truth. Nightmares loved to haunt me when I was all alone. I couldn't escape my past demons that haunted and tormented me. I let out a blood curdling scream and sat straight up with tears running down my face.


I was getting ready for bed when I heard Ryleigh let out a earpiercing scream. My heart stopped for a moment before I started out into the hallway. This was becoming a pretty regular occurrence and I debated whether or not to take her to therapy but I knew she probably wouldn't want that. It had to get better, it would just take time adjusting back to a normal life after all she's been through.

Sarah came running out of the bathroom and we briefly shared a look before we took off running. We opened the door to Ryleigh's room and found her sitting up, shaking and crying. "Ryleigh, it's okay. You're okay,"Sarah tried to console her as she walked slowly toward her. She looked absolutely terrified. "Ry, what's the matter?"I  asked as I turned the light on. She took deep breaths as she tried to calm herself down. Sarah put her arm around Ryleigh's small frame and rubbed her hand up and down her arm.

I sat on her other side and Ryleigh buried her face in my hoodie. I rubbed her back softly. There was a loud knock on the door, startling all of us. I stood to go investigate when Ryleigh grabbed my hand with wide eyes. "NO! Don't go down there. He's waiting so he can take me,"she yelled and cried out. "I'm sure it's fine, Ryleigh,"I assured her carefully. I wasn't sure if it was. It was after one in the morning.

I darted over to my room to grab my baseball bat while Sarah held Ryleigh under her arm in a sidehug at the top of the stairs. I crept down carefully. The shadow at the door was concerning. I held the bat in one hand and carefully opened the door while keeping back. "Gee?"I asked in surprise. It was pouring down rain, thunder rumbled violently in the background as a flash of lightning whipped across the sky.

He giggled and stumbled through the door way. I took in his disheveled appearance and noticed the smell of alcohol. "What the hell, Gerard? Do you know what time of the morning it is? God, have you been drinking?"I said. I couldn't help it. The questions were pouring out of me. He had stayed sober so long so why would he break it now? Ryleigh and Sarah came down the stairs turning a few lights on along the way. Ryleigh was still wide eyed in fear. "I'm not drunk you're drunk!"he slurred and attempted to turn and point a finger at me. He turned it into a ballerina spin and giggled the whole time.

"I just have to crash here for a few,"he announced and flopped on the couch. He started snoring instantly. "What's going on, Bren?"Sarah asked me. "I'm not sure,"I answered as I pulled my phone out. Frank recently moved to LA. I'd call him and Mikey. They'd know what to do. I dialed Frank first, figuring he'd be less grumpy. "Hello?"he answered sounding wide awake. "Hey, Frank. It's Brendon. I wondered if you knew or had an idea why Gerard just showed up on our front porch totally shitfaced?"I asked. "I'll Be right over,"he said and hung up.

While I waited, I dialed Mikey to explain the situation. His response was similar to Frank's. Ryleigh looked terrified and concerned as she looked on at Gerard. I hope this doesn't set everything off again. I needed a break in the chain of events. It seemed as if we went from one thing to the next instantaneously and I was so sick of it. I needed a change, for my sake and Ryleigh's.

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