Yeah Boy And Doll Face

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Nurses came by every so often to check her fluids and vitals. I sat on her right side, holding her pale calloused hand. The blood was gone from them. Brendon and Sarah sat on her other side, holding each other and Ryleigh's other hand. It was just a waiting game. Her eyes started fluttering open under the bright fluorescents of the hospital.

"I think she's waking up,"I said. "Ryleigh, babygirl, can you hear me?"Brendon asked. She gently pulled her hand from mine and reached for the oxygen tubes in her nose. I grabbed her hand, bringing it back down. "No, Ryleigh, that has to stay in for now,"I said. Her eyes opened, looking first at Brendon and Sarah. Panic was clear in her hazy, tired eyes. "Zack? Where's Zack? He's got to protect Jasey,"she said, trying to sit up.

"Ryleigh, I'm right here. She's okay. They got him. We're all okay. You're in the hospital,"I said gently. She calmed back down, looking at me. I squeezed her hand. "Okay, Ms. Urie, we're gonna move you to a room now,"a nurse said with a few more behind her. Ryleigh nodded tiredly and we all moved out of the way. After she was settled in her room, a nurse stopped us from entering. "I'm sorry but visiting hours are over now. Only one of you can stay tonight,"she said. "Me!"Brendon and I both said and looked at each other.

"No, me!"we said and looked from the nurse to each other. "Bren,"Sarah said gently, trying to pull him with her. "But I'm her father,"he said. "I'm staying. I'm the father to our daughter,"I said firmly, standing straighter to my full height. It didn't make much difference. "Bren--"Sarah tried again, suceeding. "Sarah, can you take Jasey with you? Alex, Nicole, Rian, and Jack can probably help with her,"I said. "I will. Send her my love, we'll be back in the morning,"she said. I nodded and turned to enter.

Ryleigh was looking out the window, to the dark sky outside. "Hey, how're you doing?"I asked, gently. I could see tears on her face in the lights they had dimmed. She looked slowly over to me, the meds making her groggy and most likely slower than normal. "Zack, answer me honestly. What do you do when that safe place you had doesn't feel safe anymore?"she asked. "Uh, find a new one or find ways to make it safe,"I answered, caught off guard.

"Tour was my safe place. Now, I'm terrified. I feel terrified being here or anywhere. I'm so vulnerable out in the open and what if next time I have Jasey or I don't make it?"she asked, tears falling once more. "Ryleigh, honey, don't think like that. It's not going to happen again. You're with me, I'm not letting anything happen to you, it'll get better,"I said and moved closer to her. "You don't know that,"She whispered. I stroked her hair. "Can you hold me? I'm not going to sleep otherwise,"she mumbled. I nodded.

I was trying to figure out how to fit on the tiny bed. I didn't want to make her injuries worse. I carefully laid on my side and wrapped an arm under her neck, letting her head rest in the small space below my head, against my chest. She fell asleep and, shortly after, I did too.


"Shh, you're gonna wake them,"a whispered voice said. My eyes popped open. Ryleigh was still asleep. Rian, Jack, and Alex were standing in front of her bed. I yawned. "Where's Jasey?"I asked. "Nicole is gonna bring her in a bit when Dan, Mike, Brendon, and Sarah come,"Jack said.

Ryleigh started moaning and thrashing in her sleep. "Ryleigh,"I said gently, trying to wake her. Her eyes shot opened, they were unfocused. She mumbled in her sleep, things hard to make out. She pushed against me, fighting my arms then cried out in pain. "What's wrong?"I asked. "It hurts,"she whined. I sent Rian a look to go get a nurse. She grabbed onto my shirt, pulling me close.

"Where?"I asked. She pointed to her abdomen. The nurse came in and spoke with her before administering pain meds to Ryleigh. Her eyes blinked slowly. She grew really out of it before sleeping once more. We thanked the nurse before she left us alone. We talked quietly amongst ourselves.

Nicole, Dan, Mike, Brendon, and Sarah arrived awhile later with Maddie and Jasey. Zack stood watch in the hall. I held Jasey and she looked at me with her wide blue eyes. Sarah eventually had to take Maddie for a walk through the halls. Nicole went with her. Ryleigh began to stir after a few hours. She was seemingly groggy still but the meds seemed to numb her pain.

She looked over at me first. "Hi, babygirl,"she spoke lightly, holding a finger out to our daughter since she couldn't hold her. Jasey smiled and reached for Ryleigh. Brendon snapped a quick picture of us. I saw his post to the fans later.

It read:

"To all our fans,
As most of you may have heard, we rushed to a local hospital last night. Ryleigh was brutally stabbed and attacked last night when she went to the bus. I'm so sorry to all of you who bought a ticket. We are working to find other dates but right now we need to be together as a family. I hope you understand and your ticket will be refundable if needed. Again, I apologize deeply from the bottom of my heart. We'll see you soon - B"

The photo wasn't bad but the reason we were here was. I leaned over with a small smile and pecked Ryleigh's lips causing her to smile, too. This girl is my everything. I'd be lost without her. If only I could tell her that. I doubt she still loves me. She's with me because she wants our daughter to know me now. She's giving me a second chance. I just hope I don't fuck it up. The anxiety that I would tear it apart for the last time bit at me every single second of every single day.

Jasey giggled happily from my lap as we turned Tom and Jerry and The Looney Tunes on the TV. Spending time with my best friends, daughter, Ryleigh, Brendon, Sarah, Maddie, and Panic brought back memories I wished never changed or ended. I love everything about this girl. I don't want to lose it.

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