Strange Love

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Two weeks had never passed so quickly. I climbed off the plane more exhausted than I had ever been. Zack carried Jasey in his arms while I grabbed a cart and placed Bailey's crate and our luggage on it before finding Dad. He looked as tired as I felt. I ran to him and wrapped my arms around his neck as I jumped into his embrace.

Dad took Jasey when we broke free. Jasey blinked tiredly at him before going back to sleep. Zack took the cart while I took Bailey out of her crate on her leash. Zack sat in the back with Jasey while I took the front with Bailey sitting on my lap. "I'm glad your home, kiddo. We missed you,"he said. "Me too, Dad,"I said. Bohemian Rhapsody began playing and we started singing along to it.

At home, all of the lights were off. Mom and Maddie we probably asleep. I tiredly picked Jasey up and put her on my hip, Bailey's leash in my other hand. Zack grabbed our luggage, including the dog crate. Things were so quiet, it was strange. It was still kind of early, only nine o'clock.

Dad unlocked and pushed the door open, making me enter first. I fumbled for the switch to turn the lights on. I found it and flicked them on. "SURPRISE!"was yelled from every direction. Everyone was here. Josh, Debby, our siblings, our parents, Tyler, Jenna, William, the All Time Low guys, Lisa, the My Chem guys, the members of Fall Out Boy, the guys from YMAS, the members of BMTH, both Ryan and Dallon, Ryan Ross, and the members of Panic.

Penny and Bogart rushed up to greet me. I hugged and greeted everyone. "My baby sister is growing up!"Jordan said, hugging me before he messed up my hair. I sent him a playful glare before doing the same to him causing me and all of my siblings to laugh. My step mom was currently gushing over how big Jasey had gotten to Zack and Nicole who were, I'm assuming, discussing bass techniques and my adorable daughter. I hugged and talked to Ryan for a bit as I made my way to talk to everyone.

I sat down after awhile to give Jasey another bottle before she goes to sleep. I was sitting next to Jordan, Josh, and Tyler. Zack was talking with Alex, Jack and Rian. I took Jasey upstairs and put her in her crib. I went to my room with the intention of staying only a few minutes. Instead, over the low talking of dozens of voices, jet lag and exhaustion pulled me into sleep.


I woke up the next morning surrounded by several people, Zack Hall being one of the closest. "Are you okay?"he asked. "Yeah?"I questioned, sitting up and taking in Dad, Mom, Zack M, and my siblings. "What's going on?"I asked as they stared at me. "It's four o'clock in the evening. Everyone else left for the most part late last night. I came to wake you up,"Zack H said. "It's that late? Where's Jasey?"I asked. "I got her. She's fine, she's napping right now,"Zack M said.

"Why're y'all looking at me like that?"I asked. "We thought you were dead. I shook you and yelled. You didn't react at all, your breathing was shallow,"Zack H said. "Oh, I'm sorry,"I said. "No, it's okay. You just scared us for a minute there,"Dad assured me. They stepped out so I could change.

I tossed on leggings and a loose grey shirt that crisscrossed between my shoulders. I wore black Chuck Taylor's. I grabbed an apple and sat down on a bar stool. Maddie was just put down for a nap. I followed my siblings outside where we played Uno, Old Maid, and Cards Against Humanity. After awhile, I went inside to find Mom and Dad. They were sitting on the couch together. "Hey, can I talk to you guys?"I asked. "Yeah, what's up?"Mom asked me as I sat in the chair across from them.

"Uh, I...uh..I think it's time I move out,"I said. "Ry, honey, are you sure?"Dad asked. "It's just you guys have been so good to me and I have some money now. I know it won't be easy, having Jasey alone. I'll be here a lot, too. I can't just leave you guys and Maddie. Bailey would come with me, too,"I said. "You know I'd do anything for you. If this is what you want then we'll find a place,"Dad said. "I love you both,"I said and hugged each of them tightly. My siblings and I went out to dinner and bowling before they had to fly back home.

"Woah! Did you see that?"I teased Jordan. They were on a team against us girls. Mom and Dad were watching Jasey so Zack came along, too. It was guys against girls and I just got a strike bumping our score well past theirs and getting us another win. Jordan pouted jokingly and I pulled him into a hug. I'd miss them. I always did. We tried to meet at least once monthly since Josh and I lived in LA while they lived in Ohio. Zack was flying out to Baltimore tonight to record with the guys.


I showed Dad the place I wanted to rent for now. I wanted to be sure I was staying before buying it. We went to tour it. I'd need to get some furniture, it was pretty bare but the large window overlooking the city made me love everything about it. It was pretty open and has three bedrooms. I'd have mine, Jasey's, and a spare. We called the number and got the keys before going to look at furniture.

I went back home and started placing my things in boxes, getting nostalgic leaving the home that has been mine for five or so years. So many things happened here, some good and some bad. I'm not gonna lie, I'm terrified to leave but someday I'll have to be on my own. Mom had most of Jasey's clothes and toys packed up. She and Maddie were downstairs crawling around and playing while mom watched them. I sniffled. A knock at the door caught my attention.

"You okay, kiddo?"Dad asked. "Yeah,"I said and continued packing. "You don't have to do this if you aren't ready,"he said. "I'm ready. I can do this,"I said, trying to convince myself. Dad hugged me. "You'll always have a home here, Ryleigh. You're welcome here anytime,"Dad promised as I hugged him back and tried to hide my tears. He pressed one of our house keys into my hands before helping me finish packing. I went to bed when we finished, letting Bailey and Jasey in my bed.


I woke up the next morning and went downstairs with Jasey to find breakfast. Mom had made chocolate chip pancakes. When we all finished eating, we went to change before loading my things into my car and Dad's Tesla. Josh came by to help so we used his car, too. Between the three, all of mine and Jasey's belongings fit.

My furniture was delivered yesterday. Josh and Dad helped me move them around. I did buy a new queen size bed for my apartment so I had a bed at their house. Mom kept an eye on Jasey and Maddie. I put the couch by the large window, the TV across from that. There were two small chairs I arranged accordingly.

Zack H showed up with groceries for my new place. We were almost done setting up, I only had a few boxes to go through. We worked late into the night, stopping to eat McDonald's for dinner. I hugged each of them goodbye before sliding the lock into place. I unpacked all of Jasey's things while she napped before doing my own.

I found myself crying as I looked through an old photo album. I hoped this wasn't a mistake. Bailey climbed up and nuzzled my hand. I turned out the light and pulled a blanket over me before falling asleep at last with Bailey curled next to me and my daughter in the room next to me.

Life Unexpected (The Urie's Daughter Series Book 4)Where stories live. Discover now