An Awkward Dinner

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"So," Midnight said, flicking her mini-whip as I walked in through the door. "Care to explain why Allmight said that you ditched the end of the lesson before the bell rang?"

I sighed. Kinda saw this coming, it was only a matter of time.

"I was upset and I didn't want Devil to activate in front of a classroom of kids," I said. "He said something that I didn't particularly like."

"Do I have to ask what it was to get you to finish explaining yourself?" she asked, flicking the whip again causing me to flinch.

"N-no ma'am," I said, sweating a little through the costume's bandages. "He said that if I go dark-side, they won't be able to stop me. So basically called me a villain because of my quirk and choice of dress."

Nemuri face-palmed.

"I'm so sorry Y/n. Now, go get dressed out of that costume and come downstairs, I'll make us some ramen," she said, flicking her hair and posing instinctually.

I rolled my eyes and followed her instructions, folding up the costume, and placing it aside. It's been a while since my skin had any light, so I didn't reapply any bandages, just to let it air out a bit.

I walked back downstairs and Nemuri glanced up, flinching a little bit as she saw my scars.

"Sorry, I almost forgot how bad those were," she said. "I actually had to plead the school to let you wear bandages and a leather jacket with your uniform. Especially because the leather jacket wasn't required to cover you."

I nodded.

"Yeah, but what's done is done. Come on, I'll help," I said, walking up to her to start slicing up the tofu. 

After those were cut and all the beef was cooked, the doorbell rang.

I walked over, forgetting that my skin was visible, and opened to door to reveal Monoma.

"Hey," he said, his eyes widening a bit but otherwise, he didn't show any signs of surprise. "You left this with me."

He handed me my mask and I smiled and thanked him.

"Oh, Y/n, is that your boyfriend?" Nemuri asked, poking her head from the kitchen just in time to see us both blush.

"N-no, we're friends from school," I stammered. "This is Neito Monoma of class 1B."

"Nice to meet you Monoma. What brings you here though?" Nemuri asked, making her voice sultry and alluring as she usually did when talking to anyone but me.

"I-I was just dropping off her mask Miss. Midnight," Monoma said, taking a step back.

"I don't bite you know, though I'm sure Y/n would be happy to," she snickered, causing me to yell out in protest and both of us to flush a cherry red. "Please, stay for dinner. My treat for returning Y/n's mask to her."

"I-if you insist. I'll just text my mom," he said, trying to blink away the embarrassment.

"Alright," I said. "You can sit at the table, I have to help Nemuri finish the ramen. Hope you don't mind if it's a bit spicy," I said, rubbing the back of my neck awkwardly as I tried to ease the tension.

"Of course not," Monoma said, smiling at me.

I smiled back and walked into the kitchen, the first thing I did was whack Nemuri upside the head with my hand causing her to burst out laughing.

"Nemuri! Why would you say that idiot!?" I whisper-yelled at her, only causing her laughing to grow harder as she fixed her now crooked glasses.

"But I'm right you know, you can't deny the fore-sights of the R-rated hero. Besides, is that smudged black lipstick on his cheek?" she asked mischievously.

"Shut up! I wasn't thinking straight," I said, glaring at the pan full of frying beef.

"Sure you weren't. Just wanted to peck your little boy-toy on the cheek, hmm? Maybe even on the l-", she was cut off by my hand.

"One more word and I will end your life," I threatened.

Nemuri smiled coyly as she moved my hand away. 

"You forgot to deny it," she laughed causing my face to flare up red.

"Shut it! And I do not, for the record," I said, stirring the beef.

"Sure sure. Just letting you know," Nemuri said, leaning in to whisper in my ear. "He can hear us."

My face blushed, if even possible, even redder and I turned the pan off to cover it. 

"Aww, my little baby's growing up so fast," Nemuri said, rather sarcastically as she patted the top of my hair.

"Shut it, mom," I scowled, getting three bowls down from the cabinet and serving the noodles.

I brought Monoma's bowl with a pair of chopsticks to the round table first, handing it to him without looking at him before scampering back off to get my own.

We all sat down, said thank you for the food, and started eating silently.

"So, how did you two end up meeting? As far as I know, Y/n's rejected any form of a human companion for years upon years, saying she didn't need any friends in her life," Nemuri asked, looking over at the blue-eyed boy who was awkwardly eating the noodles.

He finished his bite and said, "Well, I was kind of being rude to her during lunch, but then I apologized and I caught a glimpse of her on the way home and we talked a little bit."

"Yeah, rude is a little of an understatement. But all's forgiven," I said, smiling as I continued eating.

"What's it like being a pro?" Monoma asked, changing the subject.

Nemuri started to describe what it's like, what kind of missions you go on, and so on, and so forth. When they finished, Y/n took the dishes to the kitchen and washed them as Monoma grabbed his shoes and got ready to leave.

"Thank you, L/n and Miss. Midnight, see you at school," he said, waving to the both of us. 

"Would you like me to walk you home Monoma?" I asked, poking my head through the doorway so he could see me.

He shook his head and smiled.

"I think I'll be fine," he said. "Goodnight L/n."

"Goodnight," I responded, waving as he walked out the door.

As soon as he left I noticed something. My bandages were off that entire time, and not once did he look horrified or flinch. 

"So," Nemuri said, smiling widely. "You've already got a crush?"

"Nemuri! We met literally less than 12 hours ago," I said, blushing.

"Time has nothing to do with it, sweetie. He didn't look scared of your scars, for one thing, so I think he may have a thing for you. And you were literally staring at him for the majority of dinner," she said, crossing her arms and smirking.

I sighed in defeat.

"Okay, so maybe he's a little bit attractive. So what, I don't have a crush on him. And why didn't you tell me that my bandages were off?!" I asked, frustrated.

"I don't think that if he minded he would have been good enough to be your friend. And he didn't mind, so I don't mind your friendship," Nemuri said. "Now get to bed, you still have school in the morning."

I nodded.

"Night mom," I said, smiling.

"Goodnight Y/n," she said, waving.

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