PAUSEEEEDDDDDDD I'm SO Sorryyyyyyy don't hate meee

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Alright, so this is technically an A/N, author's note. I promise, still writing this. It's the end of the school year, I have so many other stories to write, and TeSTiNg is sTrEsSfUL and I kinda wanna just flop over and die, so please bear with me. Promise it's going to be updated within a month of this chapter posting, I'll delete this when I go back to updating, I'm sorry if this is a disappointment but just know that I love each and every one of my readers and will reply to any comments I can get to.

Peace out and keep loving the asshole Monoma,


(P.S. Story that I'm updating is an original fic if you want to go checkit out, click on my page @demonicmatchmaker31and it's called eyes of a killer. Yes, it's messy, but like all of my stories, it eventually gets pulled together but if you could please give me feedback I would 100% appreciate it. Love you, demonicmatchmaker31 is out!!)

Stop Bothering Me (Monoma Neito x Reader x Hitoshi Shinso)Where stories live. Discover now