Internships: Day Three

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Nemuri seemed really surprised that I was home early because honestly, she thought I had gone there to try and beat Endeavor.

"Y/n, you do realize that you aren't supposed to switch hero agencies, right?" she asked reproachfully the morning after I had come home from the hospital. "It's meant to be a learning experience to help with decision making."

"I don't care," I yawned as I stirred the noodles I was cooking. "Do you mind if I join you at your agency, I'm not in the mood to go find someone else to take me."

"Well first of all," Nemuri said, smacking the back of my head lightly. "Lighten up. Heroes everywhere had asked to have you in their agency for the internships, remember? And I guess you can join me if you want but just remember, most of the people there are like Mineta."

"Well then, I'm going to teach them how to fight," I decided as I turned the stove off and turned around to grab a bowl, which she had handed me.

"Good luck with that," Nemuri snickered. "You're not allowed to go anywhere alone you know, not since your kidnapping."

"So I'm going to assume that's why those people were tagging me on my way to school?" I asked, skeptically raising a h/c eyebrow.

"You noticed?" she asked, cringing slightly guiltily.

I simply nodded, grabbed a pair of chopsticks and started eating.

"Sorry Y/n, really," Nemuri started, unsurely. "Obviously there are more ways to keep track of you, but it's more convenient to have people around you."

"Well warn me next time," I sighed, irritably. "I was going to punch them and then gotten in trouble."

"You probably wouldn't have been blamed," Nemuri reasoned. "Besides, how's it going with Monoma? You still like him, right?"

I could hear Lilith laughing in my head as my face warmed up.

"Don't. Say. One. Word," I growled out, staring at the black leather covering my hands and pressing on the pressure point that released the knives in the knuckles, embarrassed.

"Of course not sweetie," she snickered, walking around and gathering her things for her costume, including her mini whip and the metal bondage thing that went all the way around her.

"Must you be so showy?" I asked, rhetorically as I began to wash my dishes, obviously taking the gloves off so they didn't get ruined.

Really should ask for some waterproof and stainproof material. Leather works for now though.

"And your costume isn't, miss. leather-everything-spiked-boots-bladed-gloves-elastic-bandages-slits-in-the-back-for-a-pair-of-wings-most-people-don't-know-about?" Nemuri snarked, rolling her eyes behind her cat-eye glasses.

"Better than bondage," I snickered, turning the water off and drying the bandages and my skin off with a towel, and pulling the gloves on, ignoring the small nick on my finger from the knife sliding out as I was picking them up.

"Y/n," Nemuri's voice was soft. "Be careful with those. You don't need... more scars."

"Don't think anyone would notice," I replied, honestly.

"Of course they would if it was bleeding," she stated, crossly.

"I can heal it," I retorted, pulling the spiked boots on my feet and grabbing the leather vest.

"Of course you can dear, but can you get rid of the scars?" Nemuri asked, rhetorically.

"Actually, yeah, she can," Lilith stated, coming out as my eyes turned to red irises and black eyes.

Stop Bothering Me (Monoma Neito x Reader x Hitoshi Shinso)Where stories live. Discover now