Hole in the Heart

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The next morning, I woke up with a bright smile on my face. I can't believe Lilith finally came home to me. I love her so much, she probably doesn't even realize how much she means to me.

I know, you mean the same to me.

Thank you.

You're welcome, and I'm sorry I couldn't do a better job of protecting you.

No, you did fine. Okay? I don't blame you.

Just because you don't blame me doesn't mean that I can't blame myself.

Please don't.

I felt her sigh in compliance as I started to get ready, taking time to fully do my makeup. Super regeneration fixed my muscle soreness after yesterday with Hawks, or well, Keigo, had happened, and he helped me get Lilith back.

I'm really glad that I had joined his work-studies, and I can't wait until I get to fight alongside him.

I was smiling as I walked downstairs, and Nemuri immediately noticed my change in attitude.

"Did something nice happen?" she asked, raising her eyebrow. "I haven't seen you smile in a month and a half."

"Lilith's back!" I shouted, giddiness in my veins as Nemuri looked shocked and happy for me, a smile adorning her stressed and tired features. 

"I'm glad for you," she said, giving me a hug. "How'd it happen?"

"Well, I was talking with Hawks-senpai-" I started.

"The Hawks has a work-study with you?" Nemuri asked, suggestively.

I flushed red and swatted her arm.

"Shut up, I wasn't finished talking!" I scolded her. "Anyways, he pointed out how Lilith probably felt like it was her fault that I had almost died and gone into a coma, and he made me realize what I needed to do to get her back."

"That was really sweet of him," Nemuri smiled. "Are you going to see him again today at his agency?"

"Yeah, but last night I could barely walk," I scratched the back of my neck as Nemuri's face went red. "Get your mind out of the gutter! We had been fighting and he's really fast and really strong and he was teaching me different styles."

"Y/n-chan, that sounds really dirty," she admitted, laughing at my red face. "But he sounds super nice."

"Yeah, he's also really smart," I added. "Although I could still analyze him."

"Must have been nice, fighting with him," Nemuri sighed, wistfully. "I'm sorry that I can't fight hand to hand as you can, or I would train with you more often. I hope you will forgive me."

"Of course, mom," I smiled. "There's nothing to forgive you for."

She gave me another smile before we headed out. Today was probably my last day at home before I moved into the dorms. They hadn't set one up for me before because they genuinely weren't sure that I was going to make it, so they had spent the last three weeks building me a dorm room.

"Alright sweetie, stay safe and I'll see you later," Nemuri promised me as she gave me a kiss on top of the head, before heading for the teachers' lounge.

I walked towards the 1B classroom, wanting to talk to Neito and Isuka before class started because we had quite a while beforehand.

When I walked in, I walked directly over to their seats, which were next to each other, and they looked up, in surprise, pulling their previously clasped hands from each other in shock.

Stop Bothering Me (Monoma Neito x Reader x Hitoshi Shinso)Where stories live. Discover now