Father vs. Daughter

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I couldn't do anything to resist as both Bakugo and I were strapped down with quirk canceling cuffs and blocks of cement.

"I'm sorry," I apologized quietly to him. "I don't have a plan to get out of this."

"Shut the hell up, demon bitch," he sighed. "It's not your responsibility to save everyone, you obviously pushed your limits by trying to save me instead of yourself."

"But that didn't help," I glared a bit at him. "Why did you bother coming back? You couldn't have known that my quirks were at their limit."

He shrugged as well as he could with the restraints as I saw the villains watching our conversation with mild interest.

"Because that demon bitch wasn't activated when I left," he started. "She's your first fucking defense, right? I figured that something was wrong when instead of just activating her, you sent me away. I know that the bitch is stronger than that fucking villain could ever hope to be, so I guessed that you were trying to save me instead of yourself."

"And now, we're both captured," I finished for him. "Thanks for wasting my efforts."

"Any time," he rolled his eyes. 

"Aren't you two just the lovely couple?" a voice that I didn't recognize at all asked. 

"Shut up, Twice," a voice I did, Toga's, responded. "I ship her with someone else."

"What's 'ship'?" the one named Twice asked.

"Don't fucking ask," Dabi responded for her. "You don't want to know."

I looked around the room for the first time since I had gotten captured and saw a green lizard thing, Toga, Dabi, someone I presumed to be Twice since I didn't recognize him, Shigaraki, Kurogiri, Compress, and Bakugo.

"Well that's not very nice," Toga commented, twirling a knife. "Hi, y/n-chan, recognize me?"

"Hey, Toga," I responded, giving a half-smile despite the situation that I was in.

"Why are you two so chummy?" Shigaraki asked, suspiciously.

"I liked her scars," Toga shrugged. "Looks like she's somehow gotten rid of them, but that's alright with me."

"You all know her?" the lizard guy asked.

"Yes, Spinner," Shigaraki deadpanned. "We captured her before. Held her for three weeks and a day."

"Why'd you need her again if you let her go?" Spinner asked.

"Because, Spinner, her mother decided to almost kill her, so her devil helped her to escape. We didn't let her go," Shigaraki explained. "But this time around, we want her and her classmate to join us."

Bakugo looked like he was thinking really hard, and honestly, I'm pretty sure I can guess as to what he was thinking of.

He's thinking of a plan of escape.

We need to play along with the villains, try to survive. We're outnumbered and we don't know how many guards or reinforcements they have, and we don't know how unwilling they would be to kill us if we tried escaping. 

I didn't bother listening to Shigaraki's explanation of why he wanted Bakugo, which basically summed up to the fact that he thought that Bakugo acted villainous at the sports festival, from how violently he acted at not winning first place, as I tuned him out, paying attention to the TV that had the interview with Aizawa and principal Nezu.

"So we heard that not only did you allow one student to be captured, but two of them, one of them the one who had escaped not two months ago and the other one the sludge hero student, who had been attacked the summer prior to the school year starting," the interviewer was saying. "Is there anything that you might want to say about that?"

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