The Final Battle

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Over the next few weeks, Keigo and I continued to see each other, because neither of us was able to get the person that we wanted, as per the terms of our relationship. It was to end as soon as one of us was happy.

It was really nice to have him though because he really did kinda make me feel better. Lilith mocked me for the better half of it because I said before that we wouldn't use someone to get over Monoma.

I had patiently explained that we were mutually using each other, so it wasn't cruel. I found out that the person who had hurt Keigo was his ex-girlfriend from since the second year of high school until a year ago, who had cheated on him.

He said that she looked pretty similar to me, although her skin tone and eye colors were different, the way that we held ourselves was the same as if we were barely together by the seams, but we kept ourselves upright anyways. 

Izuku and Togata'a agency had a lead on saving a girl named Eri, who was being used to create bullets that can destroy someone's quirk, revert them back to a time when they hadn't had it.

It was a really complicated story, but all I could tell was that both of them felt awful for not rescuing her when they encountered her and Overhaul, the powerful villain holding her captive.

I don't understand why, but Togata thought it would be a better idea to let her go with him, and that idea proved to be for the worse as it turned out that he was turning the little girl into bullets to sell on the black market that can stop someone's quirk from working, as it did with Amajiki, but it was only temporary for the released version.

Guess it's a good thing Keigo and I haven't been using quirks to practice.

Isuka had come up to me in private, to my dorm, so here I was, in the middle of one of the few nights that I would be allowed to sleep, with a crying girl in front of me, an agitated devil in my mind, and less than four hours of sleep to last me through this whole week. 

You have got to be kidding me, I thought, internally as she was incoherently sobbing.

"Look," I started, raking a hand through my bedhead of h/c locks. "Whatever has happened has happened, alright? It's in the past, I'm not upset. We were in no means official or anything close, we just said some stupid things to each other that I was a fool for believing was true."

"No- that- that's not why I'm- why I'm here," she sobbed, looking as if she was going to break down into a puddle on the floor.

"Alright, come on in," I instructed, opening the door a bit wider to let Isuka in. "What's the matter?"

"He- d-d- he- dumped- he dumped me," Isuka whispered, her voice cracking as a fresh wave of tears made their way from her eyes.

"What, why?" I asked, shocked. "I thought he was happier with you because you could give the bastard attention and you had time for him, why would he do that?!"

"B-because he said- he said- he could never- never love- m-me," she was starting to hyperventilate, her form being wracked with sobs. 

"I'm going to kill him," I decided, firmly. "I have made my decision, he is going to fucking die for that."

"But- he hurt you by dating me," she mumbled. "Shouldn't you be happy that- that we're over?"

"No, of course not," I sighed. "I'm sorry- I haven't gotten much sleep as of late, I've been busy and stressed out, and there's this really big thing going down that I can't give you details on, so I'm sorry if you truly thought that other people's pain could ever bring me happiness. It can't, I'm not that sort of a person. I will do whatever I can to beat him up for you, okay?"

Stop Bothering Me (Monoma Neito x Reader x Hitoshi Shinso)Where stories live. Discover now