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We reappeared in an old, dirty bar, and immediately, I tried to activate Kurogiri's quirk to escape before they truly captured me, but a girl with a small dagger jumped behind me and held it to my throat.

"Any sudden movements or quirk usage, I'll slit your throat," the girl's high-pitched voice said behind me.

I deactivated it and sighed in frustration. Why am I always so powerless when push comes to shove? I have more power than anyone else in the class, but I'm still so useless when put in battle. 

I didn't resist as they chained me to a quirk dampening chair and put quirk canceling cuffs on me and duct-taped my legs to the legs of the chair and my arms around the back so I couldn't move, and the girl removed the knives from my costume just in case. Luckily, they didn't know about all the spikes that my boots could eject and they didn't take my bandaging off because of my clothes, so once I was alone, I could try to escape.

"Don't even think about trying to escape," Shigaraki said. "You belong to us."

"I think I'll pass, shove it up in your ass," I responded nonchalantly.

"Your hair sure has grown long, Y/n. It's too bad honestly, you would make the perfect villain. You could have all the power in the world, if only you weren't shackled to some low-life slutty hero," Shigaraki said, scratching his neck with one finger.

I growled at him and my eyes, both of them, turned black with red irises and slitted pupils.

"You shut the hell up about my mother!" I yelled, struggling against the restraints. "She's the only family I have and I will not let some low-life fucking villain trash talk her!"

"Kurogiri, put more restraints on her. We wouldn't want Devil to get out, she can't be stopped with mere quirk dampeners," Shigaraki demanded.

Kurogiri tentatively approached me as the black in my eyes refused to fade. He put a shaking hand with a chain in it near me and I snapped my teeth at it as my fangs began to grow in where my incisors were, the second stage of Devil.

"Kurogiri, now!" Shigaraki shouted.

Kurogiri quickly did as he was told and immediately jumped back as the red in my eyes began to glow like a beacon.

"Y/n, would you like to see your real mother?" Shigaraki asked, obviously trying to stop Devil's progress. "She works for us now you know."

The fangs retracted back in and one of my eyes turned back to normal as I glared over at him.

"I don't give a shit about the bitch who sold me off, thanks," I snarled.

"Kurogiri, bring Mrs. L/n here," Shigaraki said.

Kurogiri left the room and I tried to use Yaoyoroza's quirk to create knives, hoping one of them would slash through the tape, but the quirk dampeners had done their job well.

"As soon as I'm free again, I am going to kill you," I snarled.

"That doesn't sound very heroic you know, might as well be a villain for what that's worth. Oh look, she's here," Shigaraki said, as Kurogiri reappeared at the door with a smirking woman next to him.

She had e/c eyes and long, wavy h/c hair that was slightly dirty. She was wearing a leotard-like villain costume and had s/c skin and dirt and blood on her face. Her eyes were evil though and had bags darker than Aizawa's beneath them.

"What is it Shigaraki, I was in the middle of a recruitment mission," she said, turning to Shigaraki before her gaze fell on me.

A tear had appeared in my eye as her smirk grew wider and more sinister.

Stop Bothering Me (Monoma Neito x Reader x Hitoshi Shinso)Where stories live. Discover now