Lunch Date

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The next event was announced as a cavalry battle, which was extremely odd for a competition, but I quickly put together a team of a support course boy, Tsukuru, who had anti-gravity shoes and a jetpack as well as nullifiers so nobody's quirk would work on us, a general education named Fukashi who could turn anything he touched invisible, and a shadow puppet user from the general education named Misao.

So, pretty much three boys carrying me around the stadium.

I was the rider, Misao was front, Tsukuru was on the right wing and Fukashi was on the left. When we were counted down, I told them the game plan, basing it off of what I knew class 1B was going to be doing. Go for the smaller points, since everyone else was going to be after Izuku's team and sneak up on them during the last two minutes when everyone else had them pinned.

We quickly turned ourselves invisible and Misao used his puppeteer quirk to control people's shadows and make them walk over to us and give their headbands over to practically thin air, and Fukashi would take it and turn it invisible and hand it to me to put on, and I could see through it since it was also invisible. 

This went on for a while, we decided to leave Monoma to get killed by Bakugo and Shinso to brainwash his team into complying. At the last two minutes, we had 2,395 points and were in second, though everyone was wondering where on earth we were. 

We walked behind Todoroki's group and touched the 10 million pointer and quickly slipped it off of his head and on to mine and ran as the buzzer rang. Misao flopped heavily on the ground, causing the rest of us to tumble and Fukashi got nauseated from over-using his quirk and Tsukuru helped me off the ground.

"Thank you guys, I couldn't have done anything without you!" I exclaimed, giving all of them a wide smile.

All of them, being male, flushed brightly.

"Ah- no, it was only because a class 1A beauty such as yourself was leading us, we weren't powerful enough to beat the robots at the entrance exam," Tsukuru said, flushing.

"Yeah, invisibility doesn't do any damage," Fukashi admitted, brushing brown hair out of his eye.

"Well, I think it makes an awesome support!" I complimented. "There wasn't anyone else that I could have imagined teaming up with than you three!"

"Isn't my quirk villainous though?" Misao asked, curiously. "You know it's the same quirk the Shadow Puppeteer, highest villain outside of the league, has, right?"

"Well, the quirk itself doesn't really matter to be honest," I said. "My quirk is learner, stealing everyone's quirk around me. And none of you thought I was villainous."

"That's because you're the girl who survived being kidnapped," Tsukuru butted in. "No villain would bother withstanding them to an inch of their lives."

I smiled and turned as they were announcing the scores. Our team was first, Shinso's second, Bakugo's third, and Todoroki's fourth. Two of Shinso's team mates dropped out because they'd noticed his brainwashing, so Monoma and a green-vined girl got in.

"Thanks again guys, here's my number so we can all meet up sometime after this competition to go out somewhere," I said, handing eachof my teammates a piece of paper with my number scribbled hastily on it.

"Thank you L/n-san," they all chorused.

I smiled and ran over to Shinso and gave him a hug.

"We both made it!" I exclaimed happily.

He grinned and patted the top of my head.

"Great job getting that headband. Those were general education students you were working with, right?" he asked.

Stop Bothering Me (Monoma Neito x Reader x Hitoshi Shinso)Where stories live. Discover now