Friend from the Past

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Over the next few weeks, Monoma tried to come over to me but I ignored him and walked away, or whoever I was with, usually the Bakusquad, would try to beat him up and he'd run. Nemuri noticed my slight change in attitude and looked like she wanted to ask about it, but decided that she wouldn't want to be the one on the receiving end of my anger. 

Devil hadn't, thankfully, made me die, or acted up in any way. Lilith understood that it would hurt more to feel him dying in my hands than to suffer in silence about him.

Tomorrow's the sports festival, so we're pretty much just talking about it. The teachers gave up on trying to teach us anything once they saw that it wouldn't get anyone anywhere except annoyed.

We were in the last class of the day, Heroic's training, leaving, when the door was surrounded by a huge mob of students from other classes, trying to get a look at us.

"Hey! What the hell is this?" Kirishima asked, trying to walk out, but blocked by all the students in the doorway.

"They're scouting out the competition. You've all seen what the future number one hero looks like, so beat it!" Bakugo responded, putting his hands in his pockets.

"Hey! You're making us look bad!" Denki protested.

"What do I care? It's not my fault that you're all just stepping stones to my victory. And these guys don't matter as long as I win," he responded, walking away.

"I hate to say this but that was such a manly exit," Kirishima commented.

"We came to see the great Hero course. We'd heard that this year was exceptionally talented, but you all just sound like arrogant assholes. Is everyone in 1A that conceited?" a familiar, tired voice asked as a boy with lavender hair and tired lavender eyes asked.

Something was really familiar about him, but I couldn't place it for a few moments.

"Shin-chan?" I asked, cocking my head to the side as I studied him.

"So she does remember me. I thought you'd forgotten Y/n/n-chan," he said with a thin lipped smile while the entire class looked between us.

"Shin-chan, it really is you!" I shouted, jumping on him in a tight hug. "I missed you!"

"Yeah, it's good to see you after quite a few years. How's it been?" Shinso asked, smiling as he ruffled my h/c hair affectionately.

"Uh, not too bad I guess. I made some more friends, and I got the highest score in the entrance exams. I think you'll be able to switch over after the Sports Festival, I know you can," I said, grinning widely.

"Optimistic as ever Y/n/n-chan. I'll do my best," he replied, giving me a cheshire cat grin.

"Wait, you two know each other?" Denki asked, looking between us.

Shinso pulled me closer to his chest as he grinned.

"Of course, we grew up on the same street, our mothers were friends before she originally left and then she came to middle school with me for a year with Midnight until she moved here," he responded, placing his chin on the top of my head.

"I honestly had no idea you were going to UA Shin-chan, it's awesome that you are though," I said, turning and giving him another hug. "You have to come over and see Nemuri, she'd love to see you again."

"Of course," Shinso responded. 

I smiled again as the class looked between us like we were crazy and grabbed my backpack and walked out the room with him, bumping into Tetsutetsu and Monoma, who probably came to cause trouble for the class.

Stop Bothering Me (Monoma Neito x Reader x Hitoshi Shinso)Where stories live. Discover now