Written Exams

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The next morning I did my full makeup and added the unneeded bandages back to my skin, leaving my h/c hair down as I put my piercings in. I wanted to try and hold onto some part of me that knew how to deal with Neito since I wanted to try and go back to actually being friends with him.

At least Bakugo and I were probably going to be friends now. I had healed him after we sparred yesterday so he won't hold a grudge against me.

Which was surprising because we fought for a really long time.

I grabbed my costume case and put it into my leather bag, making sure that everything was in the bag before slinging it over my shoulder and leaving.

Nemuri had left about an hour ago since there was a meeting about the practical exam. She had let me know that we were probably fighting our teachers in pairs based on different variables that they were going to come up with today since the written part was going to take place today and the practical tomorrow.

Honestly, I doubt that they can move Hitoshi instantly as Aizawa had said, so I probably have to wait till next semester for him to be switched into the other hero course.

As long as they didn't do anything as stupid as pair us up to fight for the practical exam that would be fine.

I sighed as Lilith snarled internally. 

Yeah, that wouldn't go well.

At least today before school I can study a bit after my training since the written exam is today. I had formed a study group consisting of the 5 lowest scoring students in the class for the semester exam from the beginning of the year, since I had first with a 98 percent, with Momo, Todoroki, Bakugo, and Izuku following afterward.

I was pretty confident since I had memorized all of the textbooks that Nemuri had put together last year when she found out that I wanted to be a hero.

Honestly, it was as shocking to me as it was to her, seeing as before I didn't even look anyone in the eye and I wouldn't try to talk to anyone. Being a hero requires social interaction and being able to be kind to people and reassure them that they're going to be alright, even if and especially if they aren't going to.

This aspect of heroes might end up being a problem for Bakugo and Todoroki since they aren't exactly the nice or social type, but right now isn't the time to worry about it.

I finally reached the building just as the sun was starting to rise, and I walked in and headed to my locker, put my things away and quickly got dressed into my gym clothes before heading out to the field where we had our original quirk assessment take place.

Putting my earbuds in, I started running as fast as I could around the distance track and did 5 laps which were approximately 5 miles.

After the warm-up, I did 500 pushups and 600 curl-ups, and 10 minutes of jumping jacks.

I extracted Lilith's wings and took off flying as high as I could go as the air pressure dropped significantly, and ice started to form on my skin and wings before plummeting towards the ground at free fall, about 120 miles per hour, before extending my wings at the last second and flapping as hard as I could, halting the fall and sending me back into the air.

It was a reflex training.

My alarm started to go off as I landed the last time, my skin and hair covered in sweat as my breath came out in pants.

"That was a lot harder than I thought it would be," I panted, not expecting anybody to be around to hear.

"Really? It looked like it would have been harder than physically possible from my point of view, 1A," a familiar voice called.

Stop Bothering Me (Monoma Neito x Reader x Hitoshi Shinso)Where stories live. Discover now