Obstacle Course

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The next morning I got up and got ready, taking extra care to make sure that my eyeshadow wasn't all over the place, grabbed my uniform and black quirk-proof bandages and put them both on. Nemuri had told me that I can wear the bandages as long as there weren't any blades in it.

I got ready and met Nemuri by the door, who smiled silently in encouragement, and we both left to her car, the entire drive completely silent from my apprehension taking up all the space.

Nemuri wished me luck before she went to the stadiums, since she was a part of the staff and had to help out with announcing the events. I walked to class, holding my bag that had my gym clothes in it tight to my side and walked in to see most of the people freaking out and Bakugo and Todoroki were both silently staring off into space, determination in their eyes.

"Hey Y/n-chan!" a bubbly and bright voice called.

"Hey Ochako-chan. You ready?" I asked, smiling at her as she made her way to me with Izuku trailing after her.

"Ready as I'll ever be," she chuckled.

"Same here. Make sure you wish Bakugo luck before the competition starts, alright?" I asked, smiling widely as her already pink cheeks flushed even brighter.

"W-what are you trying to say Y/n?!" she asked, her hands coming up to cover her cheeks.

"Why would she need to wish Kacchan luck?" Izuku asked, dumbfounded.

"No reason," I smirked. "But good luck to the both of you, may the best person win."

"Thanks L/n-san," Izuku said, a wide smile coming on to his bunny-innocent face.

"Any time," I responded. "The bell rings in about 5 minutes, then we have to go get dressed and wait in 1A's waiting room."

"Thanks for telling us," Uraraka said. "Is there anyone special that you're rooting for, Y/n-chan?"

"Yeah, you seem to know about everyone's personal feelings, and yet nobody knows about yours. Who do you want to win, other than yourself of course?" Izuku asked.

My thoughts flashed to last night, when Shinso had said that it was obvious to him that I couldn't get over Monoma.

"Uh- well, you see, it's a general ed student," I stated confidently. 

"You know a general education student? Really, who is it?" Uraraka asked.

"Just an old friend," I said, giving her a small smile just as the bell rang and we were escorted to the changing rooms.

We all got dressed and chatted with each other about what the events were going to be, and who were were cheering for. I didn't say anything as I headed into the bathroom to get dressed in there, attaching the bandages skillfully to my skin so not an inch of it was visible except for my face, which had a thin, pale scar running underneath my eye on my cheek.

"Hey, Hagakure?" I called, getting the invisible girl's attention.

"What is it L/n?" she asked, curiously.

"I know about your affiliations, don't do something as stupid as that again," I stated, and I could tell she knew exactly what I was talking about since she paused for a moment and the other girls stared between us.

"I- I have no idea what you mean by that," she responded, pulling the uniform pants on her invisible form.

I sighed and stood up, following the other girls who had already gotten dressed, like Uraraka and Ashido, to the 1A waiting area.

Stop Bothering Me (Monoma Neito x Reader x Hitoshi Shinso)Where stories live. Discover now