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The next day we had off, since we needed to recharge from the sports festival. I mostly hung out with the three boys that I had worked with during the cavalry battle, Tsukuru, Fukashi and Misao. We all went to the arcade together and encountered the Bakusquad and I ended up talking to Kaminari since the boys pretty much ditched me and we joked together about how we both made a fool of ourselves during the sports festival.

"It's all in good fun," I commented, snickering at Bakugo's face as he death glared me.

Guess he didn't take it that way.

"YOU FUCKING BITCH I'M GOING TO BEAT YOU NEXT YEAR DAMN GOTH!!!" he screamed, drawing people's attention to the group. "OR MAYBE I'LL JUST BEAT YOU RIGHT NOW!!!"

He activated his explosion at me and I had just enough time to activate Aizawa's quirk to erase it, causing my hair to stand on end and my eyes to glow red (not that they usually didn't).

"Wait, are those UA students from the sports festival?" someone asked.

"Woah, it's Y/n! Her quirk is awesome but her makeup style's a bit different than what I expected..."

"Doesn't she look a little... Scary?"

"Isn't  it that second place kid too, Bakugo or something? Do you think they're having their rematch here?"

"Oh yeah, and that's Kaminari and Nice Try, I kinda forgot the guy's name..."

"And Ashido too! Woah, so cool!"

"Can we get an autograph?" 

I hid myself behind Denki and Bakugo as they shooed the excited civilians away from us and I nearly shrieked when I felt a hand clamp down on my shoulder and my mouth. I started to twist my body so I could throw the intruder over my shoulder and beat the crap out of them.

"Shh!" a familiar voice hushed. "It's me."

"Monoma?" I asked, pulling his hand away.

"Surprised to see you here too," he replied, pushing some of his hair back with his hand as Bakugo glared at him with his squad.

"What do you want?" I asked, rather coldly.

"I wanted to say hi to my friend, you did say that I can have a second chance," he responded, with a small, hopeful smile.

"Get lost," I replied, turning to the game console we were standing by and turning it on, putting a few tokens in.

"Y/n-chan, please-" he started, but I whipped my head around, both of my eyes taken over by Lilith.

"I said, get lost," I demanded, causing him to flinch and back away. "Pathetic 1A scum, huh? Well, I'm not going to let the same person mess up not once, not twice, but a third time? I'm out, you already got your second and third chance."

"But Y/n-" he tried, while the Bakusquad awkwardly shuffled away to another game console as to not get in the middle of our argument.

"It's L/n to you, as much as I hate using it because of my parents. Forgiving you in the first place was a mistake and I shouldn't have let someone like you get too close. Cruel, rude and sadistic. Bye Monoma," I said, turning around and walking out of the arcade while I heard, in the distance, scuffling and shouting as Monoma was apparently being beaten up by the Bakusquad.

I huffed out an angry breath, glaring at my bandage-covered-leather-gloved hands, thinking back to the festival. He had completely lost it and treated me like I was just another student from 1A just because he was being overwhelmed in a fight. 

Petty bitch.

I sighed and walked home, dialing a number on my phone.

"Hello?" the tired voice came from the other side.

Stop Bothering Me (Monoma Neito x Reader x Hitoshi Shinso)Where stories live. Discover now