Summer Camp

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On the bus ride to the training camp, both the A and B classes were seated on the same bus, so I sat next to Neito as we chattered animatedly, our suitcases all in the back.

"So, how did your exam go?" Neito asked, curiously. 

"It went pretty well," I grinned, a bit impishly. "I kept my control over Lilith even after Hitoshi tried to do something stupid like brainwash me, although I accidentally completely melted my costume off."

"That sounds really awkward," Neito laughed a bit. "We failed ours, Kendo and I, we ran out of time."

"That sucks, I'm sorry," I said, the smile dropping off of my face.

"Y/n-chan, don't look so upset," he joked, nudging me with his shoulder. "It's fine with both of us, we can take the remedial lessons."

"Those are supposed to be hard though," I said, looking at the ground for a moment. 

"The entire hero course is hard," Neito laughed, side hugging me to cheer up, "Also, did you leave your piercings out?"

I nodded.

"Yeah, I figured that they would probably end up getting lost or something," I shrugged, returning his hug with a  small blush on my face before we parted again. 

"You look nice," he complimented me, tucking a strand of my h/c hair that was loose and flowing behind my ear. 

"T-thanks," I stuttered, awkwardly blushing, even more, my face going completely red.

He chuckled a bit and pressed a soft kiss to my s/c cheek, as some people around us were awwing at us and being annoying.

"What was that for?" I asked, laughing.

"Well you've done it to me many times," he grinned smugly at me, a playful glint in his blue and white eyes. 

"Touche," I laughed a bit, leaning on his shoulder as he wrapped his arm around me. 

I felt a glare burning into me and glanced up to see Hitoshi glaring at the both of us, but when he caught me looking back at him, he averted his eyes and started to glare out the window instead.

"Don't worry about him," Neito gently reminded me.

I sighed.

"Kinda hard not to do that," I shrugged. "But yeah, I'll try."

The bus came to a halting stop and we looked around, confused as we filed off of the bus. 

We were on a patch of dirt in the middle of huge woods, with nothing else in sight.

Aizawa and the member of the wild, wild pussycats explained that we were going to be getting through the monster forest, and we tried to get back on the bus as I jumped in the air, sensing her start to crumble the ground, and they all fell down to the forest while I hovered there, looking between the teacher and pro hero.

"Um," I started, awkwardly. "You know what, I think I'll go with them."

"Good choice," Aizawa smirked a bit and I nodded before flying into the forest after our classes.

I found them battling some monsters, which looked fun to Lilith.

"Y/n, duck!" Neito shouted as a claw headed towards me.

I relinquished my control to Lilith and instantly the full transformation happened and she excitedly grabbed the claw and injected venom into it, causing it to crumble into dust.

"Hey, Lilith-chan," Neito greeted with a small smile on his face.

"Hey there Monomaniac," Lilith grinned back, showing her long and sharp fangs. "Let's have some fun!"

Stop Bothering Me (Monoma Neito x Reader x Hitoshi Shinso)Where stories live. Discover now