Internships: Day 1

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We arrived at Todoroki's house and he went inside, opening the door and holding it there so I could walk in behind him. It was a japanese styled house, not very surprising honestly, though I might have expected something a little more modern. 

"Come in, we need to go see my father about sleeping arrangements and things like that," Todoroki said monotonously, allowing me to step through the door carefully as to not scuff the wooden floors with the spikes underneath my boots.

I followed him quietly and we passed a girl with white hair that had little red streaks in it, who introduced herself as Fuyumi Todoroki and she told Todoroki that their father was in his study.

It was a bit awkward following him around since we randomly would pass one of his family members who would stare and me and my probably strange style before shrugging and walking away. Eventually we made it through to the study and he pushed the door open.

"Shouto, how nice to see that you're finally embracing your flames!" Endeavor said as he saw who had come in.

"I am merely learning to control them, this does not mean that I accept you," he snarled in response, startling me at the ice in his voice.

"Of course. Who is this?" he asked, finally looking at me with my ponytail and e/c narrowed eyes, black makeup and chain piercings, leather fingerless gloves on my hands and a leather jacket, my uniform underneath it with white bandages covering my skin all the way down to my leather boots that had chains and buckles coming off of the knee high leather and spikes starting to impale the ground.

"I'm L/n, it's a pleasure to meet you Endeavor," I stated even though the question was not directed at me.

"I'm sure it is. You're the winner of the tournament, is that correct?" he asked, his flaming eyebrow raising.

"It was merely a festival, nothing to be proud of," I said through slightly gritted teeth. "You were watching, we you not?"

"I was but I had no idea someone's outrageous style could... deter from their looks so horrendously," he sneered, crossing his buff arms while I did the same.

"I wouldn't say that," I stated. "Seeing you in civilian clothes is in itself a rather sorry experience. And I look hot and am well protected from all of the weapons in my bandaging and jacket sleeves and boots."

He glared, scrutinizing me with his turquoise eyes that matched Toya's perfectly, though he posed as Dabi now. Hate seethed through my eyes and he flinched back, causing Todoroki's eyes to widen.

"What's wrong?" I asked, feigning innocence.

He smirked and shook his head.

"Nothing. You look just like your mother you know," he stated, the smirk growing wider as I bared my growing fangs in a sneer. 

"My mother is Nemuri Kayama," I said coldly, slightly difficulty with the rate at which Lilith's fangs were growing in.

"I'm sure she is. Have Fuyumi take you to a spare room and then we're going to start training," he said. "I must say, it was infuriating knowing that you beat the boy that beat my son so quickly. Let's see if you're powerful enough to beat him and worthy of becoming a hero."

"I'm sure I'll be more fit than someone who abused their children and caused one to be a villain, won't I?" I asked, one of my irises flashing red as I turned around and walked out the door to where Fuyumi was waiting for me.

I didn't say anything as I followed her but she seemed to be in deep thought as we silently walked. Eventually, she broke the silence.

"What did you mean by what you said back there?" she asked, turning around so she could see me.

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