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My body hurts.

Everything hurts.

My soul feels empty like it's been torn in half, and I feel completely alone for the first time since I was four. 

I'm alone, I realized, sadly.

I forced my eyes open as they adjusted to the sterile bright light of the hospital as I heard the steady heart rate monitor and glanced around.

I think I'm in the general hospital, instead of Recovery Girl's room, as the events of the battle came rushing back to me.

The door opened and the nurse who had worked with me the first two times I was hospitalized came into the room to see me sobbing, hunched in on myself as I wailed with absolute agony, the injuries aching and tearing open as I couldn't get myself to stop, even as she entered the room.

"Y/n," Yakusoku Suru breathed, sadly. "I'm sorry. We couldn't do anything, and your body wasn't able to support Lilith's attributes without her soul in you, so they tore themselves out. Both of your quirks are gone."

I shuddering with more tears wracking my body, and I tried to get myself to calm down.

"Th-thank you-" I sobbed. "Thank you for everything."

"Are you- talking to Lilith?" Yakusoku asked, concerned.

I shook my head.

"No, she wouldn't want me to thank her, she would feel like she failed me and be guilty if I did. I was thanking you, for taking care of me each of these times I've ended up in here," I said, managing to stem the flow of tears from my face.

"Hey, it was my pleasure," she smiled soothingly at me as she walked closer to me and gave me a hug. "Remember, I am also a therapist. Please, come to me if you ever want to talk, alright? I know that you're still as strong of a person, but you are allowed to be vulnerable."

I nodded, a watery smile on my face.

"I'm sorry that you have to see me like this," I admitted. "She was the rock that kept me from dying, either because I wanted to or because of injuries. She kept me going when my own stamina let me down, and she's- been the only consistently stable part of my life since I've been born, the only person who understands me, inside and out. And I miss her."

Yakusoru sat down on the bed next to me.

"I know that there isn't much that I can do for you other than to help you get through this, alright?" she asked, putting a hand up to my cheek and wiping my tears away. "She's going to remain the only thing that was stable in your life because the life of a hero is never supposed to be stable. You are going to miss her in every moment of your day, waking and asleep. 

"It's going to haunt you at night as you sit there alone in the dark. I understand. I think the best thing for you to do it- to try and remember, that just because she loved you the most out of everyone in your life, this doesn't mean that there aren't other people who love you. 

"There are so many wonderful qualities that you have as a person and as a hero. You don't need to be the strongest, okay? You just need to be here, and that's more than enough."

I sniffled and leaned into her hand, more tears dripping down my pathetic face.

"Thank you," I mumbled.

"You have visitors," she let me know. "Would you like to talk to them?"

"Just my mother," I said, looking at the blankets. "I don't think I can- I can see anyone else like this."

"I understand," Yakusoku said, standing up. "I'll go get her for you, alright?"

I nodded and thanked her, trying to stop the tears that were still coming.

Stop Bothering Me (Monoma Neito x Reader x Hitoshi Shinso)Where stories live. Discover now