Final Attack Training

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The class went as expected, having to learn a power move or try to make one up depending on what type of quirk the person had. 

Aizawa had approached me before class started to let me know that if my devil gets out of control, Shinso, who was now in the class, would be the one to tame it.

I guess Nemuri had told him about what had happened between us.

We changed into our costumes, and walked into training room 112, where there were massive cement blocks for us to practice on. Hitoshi's hero costume looked exactly like Aizawa's, except a voice changing mask instead of the goggles.

"You look really cool," I offered, giving him a small smile and gesturing to his costume.

He stared at me for a second like I was crazy, and Lilith wasn't being any help by askng if she was allowed to 'talk' to him.

"......thanks," he responded, quietly, before he put his mask on and began his practice, where he was controlling the bandages around his neck the same way that Aizawa did, but using his own quirk, which was slightly harder to do without the force-field that Aizawa's quirk created around him.

I sighed and closed my eyes, mentally preparing myself to be able to take back control if Lilith decided to get out of hand. 

Lilith, ready? I mentally asked.

I mean, if you are then sure. Just remember that if things go sour, people will see my form and my soul.

Don't be dramatic, most of the people here wouldn't be able to tell that it isn't me, and how about you just don't get out of control?

Lilith didn't respond, and instead slowly began taking over my body.

For the first time, I was glad that my costume was so revealing.

First I felt my eyes flicker to black with red irises, then the nail and fangs changed, then the wings unfurled, black and red and beautiful in the bright light that was lighting the room, then the tail showed up and my hands became gloved with scales and the tips of my elbows and back of my knees had black spikes protruding from my skin.

Taking a deep breath together, Lilith and I opened our eyes, just in time to see that the entire room had paused what they were doing to watch the transformation happen, some looked scared and others were in awe.

"Woah! Y/n, is that your other quirk?!!" Uraraka asked, amazed.

Lilith was about to correct her on name before I stopped her.

Both hands on the wheel, I reminded her.

"Yeah, this is my devil quirk that saved me from being killed by the League. Her name's Lilith," I responded, a little bit thickly from how thick the long and sharp venomous fangs were. 

"That's so cool!" a lot of people in the class responded, before Aizawa shooed everyone away from me so I could continue practicing.

"So, what are you able to do?" Hitoshi asked, walking up behind me.

Lilith decided that it was her turn to speak.

"Well, obviously I can fly, I'm venomous, our agility speed and strength increase by ten fold, the tail is sharp and can be used to stab people, as well as the claws obviously, I can seduce people and put people in trances-" Lilith began to ramble before I cut her off.

"Yeah, there's a lot that comes with the quirk," I finished for her.

"So Lilith's grown more powerful, huh?" Hitoshi asked.

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