Comfortably Uncomfortable

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The next few days passed quickly, each one rather similar as Nemuri and I trained the interns to be able to fight with quirks, without quirks, with stealth and general studying, and when everyone had gotten back to school, Iida had been injured by Stain, Todoroki and Deku had been yelled at for going after him, and Kaminari and Mineta's grades steadily started to improve while the rest of the Bakusquad (other than Bakugo himself) were still.... stupid.

No offense.

Of course, Monoma hadn't bothered me very much other than exchanging greetings when we passed by each other or occasionally making eye contact in the cafeteria or somewhere.

Aizawa had decided that we were all going to go on a field trip over the summer, but that was after finals, of which there was a physical and academic part of the test, so honestly, I don't think I will do poorly because I have been studying for it since the beginning of the year.

"Hey, Y/n!" Uraraka's bubbly voice shouted as the said girl came over and jumped on me.

Since I wasn't ready for the jump, I ended up stumbling into the person who was walking by me, who turned out to be... Hitoshi.

"S-sorry Shin-chan," I quickly apologized, moving my h/c hair behind my ear as he glanced over at me.

He hadn't spoken to me much since the incident and I don't blame him, I don't think I reacted well.

"Tch," he said, before walking off, playing on his phone, the bags under his lavender eyes darker than ever.

"Did you do something to offend him?" Uraraka asked, concerned as she looked between the two of us.

"I- I guess it's just, something happened that messed everything up and I never got to apologize for it," I responded, my makeup-free eyes burning slightly as I regretted going over to him after I had gotten into the argument with Monoma.

"Did he reject you?" Uraraka asked, curiously. "I thought you were interested in that blonde guy from 1B. Is that what happened?"

"No, not at all," I responded, quickly. "It was just the opposite actually, and I never got to apologize to him for it. I- I ran out on him and ignored his six or seven calls afterward because I didn't know how to react."

Uraraka's round face got even rounder as her mouth formed an 'o'.

"I- I had no idea-" she stared, agape.

"It's alright," I cut her off. "I'm fine, okay? I have to go do something."

Uraraka let me walk away to go see Isuka.

"Isuka!" I called, and the orange-haired girl turned to see me.

"Hey, Y/n!" she responded, turning back to walk to me. 

When she got to me, she asked, "Are you ready for the end of year final exam? I think Monoma's going to make it a competition again."

"Of course I am," I gave a small smirk, falling into step with her as she was walking towards her usual table with Tetsutestu and the rest of them. "How about you? I think it's going to focus on our weaknesses and strengths and teamwork. Nemuri said something about it not being robots this year because of how much trouble we've been through already."

"Oh?" Isuka asked, looking a little bit worried. "So they did change it?"

"As far as I know," I replied. "I'm assuming that someone in their second year here let it slip that it was going to be robots and that's how your class was training?"

She looked defeated as she nodded.

"Now there's no way in hell we're going to win," she mumbled.

Stop Bothering Me (Monoma Neito x Reader x Hitoshi Shinso)Where stories live. Discover now