Rooftop Lunch

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The next day I put on my bandages, got ready for school, and caught a ride with Nemuri since she had to get there early and I had to give Aizawa back my costume since Nemuri being the lovely person she is decided to let me suffer through talking.

"Mr. Aizawa?" I asked tentatively, pushing the door to the teachers' lounge open with the hand not carrying the backpack and case.

"What L/n?" he asked, obviously tired and irritated.

"My hero costume," I said, trying to hand him the case.

"I don't care right now, give it to Vlad King, 1B. They have the costume rack right now," Aizawa monotoned before falling back asleep in his caterpillar sleeping bag.

I sweatdropped and backed slowly out of the room, closing the door silently behind me. I walked back down the hall and up a flight of stairs since 1B is directly next to 1A. 

Tentatively, I knocked on the door with my gloved hand and waited, hearing a loud male voice call "come in" before pushing the door open.

There weren't many people there yet, but Vlad King and a few other students were there, looking at me curiously. I swore mentally.

"Umm... Aizawa said that I have to return my hero costume to you," I said, gesturing to the case. 

"Why did you take it out of school?" Vlad King asked, curiously. 

"W-well, I was upset and stormed off before I could remove it. Sorry sir," I said sheepishly, rubbing the back of my head.

"It's alright, but the racks don't show up for about an hour. You can wait here if you want, we do have an extra seat in the back of the classroom," Vlad King said, pointing to an unused chair next to the orange-haired girl, Kendo.

"If it's alright with you sir," I said, bowing slightly before going over to sit in the seat.

"Hey, L/n, was it?" Kandou asked, obviously remembering the previous day.

"Yeah, Kendo. I'm really sorry about my attitude yesterday, I don't usually tend to socialize and I don't think yesterday was a good day for me," I explained awkwardly.

"It's alright, no harm done. If anything, I kind of want to know what you did to tame Monoma. He hasn't yelled anything rude about 1A since he went after you yesterday at lunch," Kendou said, laughing.

"I did bodyslam him into the ground and hold him at knifepoint," I admitted, smiling slightly awkwardly as I shifted my hair, embarrassed.

"Really? I never would have thought I'd see the day when another girl can actually subdue that lunatic," she commented.

"Well, it was more of a reflex and he didn't have time to react," I said.  "But it was kinda funny to see him lose his cool like that."

"I would have liked to see that. Are you two going to be at each others' throats until you can leave when he arrives?" Kendo asked, curiously. "Because you do know he's in this class, right?"

"No, we're chill now. He came over to my house last night to drop off my hero mask and my mom forced him to stay for dinner," I said, looking at the case in my hands.

"So you guys already had a dinner date?" Kendo asked, smirking at me as my face had the lightest amount of blush under layers of black makeup.

"I-it's not like that Kendo!" I responded, waving my free hand in front of me.

"I believe you stuttered Y/n-chan," a smooth voice said from behind me, causing me to squeak in surprise because I was so caught up in the conversation that I'd let someone sneak up behind me.

Stop Bothering Me (Monoma Neito x Reader x Hitoshi Shinso)Where stories live. Discover now