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Hitoshi eventually confirmed that he was going to break up with me, which was fine and all, but he told the rest of the class. Now I can't go anywhere without someone looking at me like I'm a kicked puppy and it's getting frustrating, which isn't convenient for Lilith because my control over her was beginning to slip.

"Again, y/n?" Aizawa asked as my claws grew out again as I was hand fighting with Denki, who looked terrified as they barely missed scratching him.

"I didn't mean to-" I started, but Aizawa cut me off.

"I know. Get in control or you're good as quirkless or worse," he stated, rather harshly. 

Hitoshi, who was across the room since Lilith would probably stab him if he came near her, glanced over at me and his uncle having a conversation, but he didn't say anything as he kept fighting against Mina, who was trying to learn to hand-fight, since her quirk only had acid with it.

"Stop getting distracted," Bakugo, who was practicing on the cement block next to mine. "This is what happens during a battle, you get too interested in things that don't matter. Save it for outside of class and off the field or you're going to be a burden."

"Shut up," I said after a small puase, before turning back to Denki, who was getting back into his fighting stance. 

"Ready, Y/n-chan?" Denki asked, cheerfully for someone who almost got impaled by poisonous claws a moment ago.

"Yeah," I agreed, and he shot electricity towards me, and as if it was in slow motion I raised my metal-filled glove and used it to conduct the electricity into the ground and away from my body as I jumped into the air at the same time, my wings extending as I hovered in the air.

"You don't want to do that-" Aizawa started, just as Denki used his electricity to magnetically attract my costume and slam me into the ground that way.

I stayed down for a moment, frustration slowly building up as I shoved myself angrily back to my feet, brushing the dust and debris off of my costume as I readjusted my mask, making sure it wasn't broken.

"Y/n, come here," Aizawa called, monotone as ever.

I looked up, brushing my h/c hair back, and saw that he was next to the entrance.

I sighed and warped over to outside the door and waited for him to walk through it.

"What?" I asked, irritance in my voice.

"You're getting worse every time that we practice, that's what. At this point even Sero would be able to beat you," Aizawa stated, matter-of-factly.

"No he-" I started before I saw his glare and backed down, looking at the ground in defeat.

"Yes he would," Aizawa stated. "And unless you pick up your act and fix yourself, I am going to take you out of the hero course."

"No you aren't," I stated, firmly as my mouth worked itself into a scowl and my pierced eyebrow twitched in anger.

"Don't test that theory. This is because of what happened with Hitoshi, is it not?" Aizawa asked, angrily. 

"No, it isn't," I responded, stubbornly setting my jaw in place. "This has nothing to do with that."

"Oh really?" Aizawa asked, raising his eyebrow. "Do you want him out of the class?"

"N-no, I don't," I stumbled, looking away from my teacher/father figure. 

"I'll send him to class 1-b if you would prefer that, I know what happened. Lilith isn't to blame, that's how she naturally is. She is, as your quirk suggests, a devil. The control you had over her was admirable but now it's falling apart. Because my nephew dumped you," Aizawa stated and I tried to come up with some sort of denial, but couldn't find any as I nodded my head in shame.

Stop Bothering Me (Monoma Neito x Reader x Hitoshi Shinso)Where stories live. Discover now