Scars (final chapter I'm so sorry, but this book is officially done)

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A/n + explanation: I deleted the sequel. I didn't like how things were panning out and I couldn't find a way to fix it to have the plotline that I wanted, so here's a decent ending instead of the *trauma* that was the last one. Everything that happened before during the old epilogue still applies though it did happen in my storyline.

Otherwise, thank you so much for reading this. It means a lot to me that people enjoy my writing (even though maybeee you shouldn't) and I can see and read through everyone's comments. Peace out for real this time, demonicmatchmaker31

I splashed my face with water, leaning over the sink. Nausea racked through my body, but I forced myself not to throw up again.

Breathing heavily, I wiped my face off with the washcloth next to the sink.

"Y/n," Nemuri sighed, knocking on the door. "Another nightmare?"

"No," I lied instantly, putting the towel back and straightening up, glancing in the mirror to make sure that I looked alright. "If you need the restroom, I'm finished."

"No, I just thought I heard something," Nemuri chuckled, but I could hear through the tone in her voice. "You should get back to sleep; it's two in the morning."

"Right," I opened the door after turning off the lights, my e/c eyes meeting her marbled blue and black ones. "Sorry if I woke you up."

"It's no problem," Nemuri reached forward and patted the top of my head; she looked worse than I did. "Get back to sleep now, alright?"

"Alright. Goodnight, mom," I mumbled, walking past her and into my room.

My room was a disaster of cogs and gears, unfinished projects, and blueprints of costume designs. Being in class 2F didn't especially leave room for time to clean anything. All of my time is always dedicated to projects.

Even with Mei helping me talk to people, I haven't been interested in being friends with others.

I sighed and laid back down, pulling the black covers over my shoulders. The constant ache almost became familiar, reminding me of who I had lost. Despite Recovery Girl's skills and modern technology, there wasn't much to be done about the scars.

The ones on my forehead had at least faded until they were unnoticeable. I took a deep breath, inhaling the smoke-like scent of my room. Everything smelled like metal, ash, and grease from the completed and failed projects.

It was stiflingly silent. No presences other than my own, no thoughts other than the ones I had. There was nobody else here, and it is going to stay that way.

After about an hour, I finally managed to drift off into a disturbed sleep. It wasn't quite as bad as before, what with the nightmares about the last battle I had as a hero student, but it was still irritating to wake up from.

It was a dream about Neito Monoma, of all people. It wasn't exactly a bad dream either; it was mixed memories of when he was actually a decent person to be around. It made me remember everything about him I was trying to forget.

Everything from the way one side of his mouth lifted before the other when he smiled to his carefree laughter as his class was being stupid.

Even though I fell for him, stupidly, I'll admit, first he did return the feelings for a while. At least until he decided I wasn't paying him enough attention.

The actual morning when I went to class, I decided to go full goth again. I did my makeup with black winged eyeliner and smokey eyeshadow, black lipstick, and a metal piece in every one of my piercings.

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