Skinny Jeans

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'Gay intercourse huh'
I was staring at jung- Mr Jeon as he spoke those few words all the while staring at me, he bit his lip and looked away slightly shaking his head. He opened his own copy of our text books and I noticed something,

I raised my hand and once he acknowledged me I spoke out,
"Uh Mr Jeon this chapter doesn't mention anything about gay or lesbian sex? Is it on another chapter I just wanna know so I could mark the page and save myself the time of trying to find it."
"No it's not in this book, this book was published around the time where LGBTQ were frowned upon deeply and so I will be sharing my persona- own researched knowledge with you instead."
"Very good question Mr Park."
"Thank you mi-aster!"
I sneezed midway of the word mister and it turned out sounding like master,
I noticed when I said that he loosened his tie and cleared his throat, I choose not to think about about it.
"So because of this class I have a search history that I will never show my own mother."
Everyone laughed including me, every girl started undoing their top shirt buttons and giggling extra, but his eyes were fixed on me. I giggled a bit more and he smiled before looking back at the class.
"So I know you all know how intercourse works am I right?"
The whole class nodded aggressively
"Well you could imagine what gay interco- sex is like I mean if you have an understanding of straight sex."
We nod again
"But lesbian sex is a little more complex-
"AND HOT!" One of the jocks screamed out earning pats from his friends. But unlike other teachers jungkook laughed,
"If your into that kinda stuff then sure."
He looked back at me and I was smiling like an idiot at him I mouthed
'Your probably one of the best teachers we've ever had'
He just made a fist and put in the air before dragging it down bending at the elbow mouthing
I giggled and he smiled at me again before speaking again
"As I was saying lesbian sex involves more touching and teasing."
"But Mr Jeon."
"Yes jimin."
"Don't they get tired of teasing I know that after sometime it no longer gives you that sense of fulfilment."
"Well Mr Park since the two females participating are lesbian then they would be more- what's the word?"
"Hahaha yeah I guess so they would be more sexually turned on in those events then we would you understand?"
"Yeah that clears up a lot thank you sir."
"It's ok."
"I personally prefer males."
I heard literally half the class sigh the girl side that is.
"Mr Jeon tell us more about yourself."
A boy in the class says I have never seen him before but in one look you could see he was gay, like dripping gay. And he was tryna get my man hell no.
"Well I'm a Harvard biology graduate with a doctorate degree under my arm I skipped 5 years of high school technically six since I didn't even stay that long for the year I actually stood in the school grounds, I mainly just took my VCE and then left."
"Thank you well I'm a twenty year old only two years older than you guys."
Suddenly I was mouthing words taht I really wish he wouldn't hear but alas he did I mean really
'I'm at the age of consent only two years older than me too huh."
He looked at me and bit his lip, must've read my lips.
Im at the age of consent only two years older than me too huh
I could feel my pants tighten and I quickly made my way to my office chair sitting down covering myself up,
Jimin what are you trying to do.
I sighed and saw one of the girls in the back with her hand up patiently so I pointed my finger towards her and nodded,
"Soo are you bi or completely gay."
"Hahahahahah I'm gay."
"Mr Jeon Mark over there has repeated 12th grade 3 times." Jimin said while emphasising 3
"Oh wait so he's-
"Your twenty one."
"UMMMMM 1,2,3,4,5,6-
"Can you see why he stayed back now?"
Jimin said whispering covering the side of his face with his smol hand, bending over the table
"Hahahah yeah."
Jimin moved quickly back into his chair causing a pencil to drop to the floor, I swear to god I saw him smirk before he walked over to the pencil and bent down infront of me!

His big peachy ass right infront of my mouth, and I images of me eating him out popped into my mind,
"Huh what was that Mr Jeon."
"uh uh nothing Jimin."
I swear if I didn't have any self control I would've taken him right then and there, look I'm not some old middle aged guy who respects the law, I'm still a young adult I still have to make mistakes and one of the mistakes I made was currently causing me much discomfort in my lower region,
I swear this problem has brought a whole new meaning to skinny jeans.
It also taught me to not wear jeans while teaching a class with an extremely attractive boy in it.
Scratch that don't wear skinny jeans when having a class with Jimin in it.
But yet again hope you guys liked this chapter there's gonna be a big plot twist soon so make sure you prepare yourselves also in around 5-10 chapters there gonna be some sin so I'm selling holy water too, PREPARE YOURSELVES or just don't read it you few innocent beans!!
I'll see you guys next chapter
LOVE YOUUUU~~❤️❤️❤️❤️

(This is a secret kookie for mayo~❤️❤️❤️
LOVE YOUUUU SIISSSSSSSSS!!!!!!~❤️❤️❤️💍❤️❤️❤️)

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